Comforting a friend w/ the Nationsquad

Pretty long

Important info at the end! Please don't skip!

The atmosphere next day is mournful. The news really spread like wildfire- wait, nO.

...Okay nevermind. Everyone's gathered around the hurt nation, trying to help in their own ways and offering words of comfort and ways to help. England never leaves France's side.

"How did it happen?" asks someone.

"Most likely accidentally."

"That's horrible."

"It is."

But, truth to be told, France doesen't really react much, he seemes..numb now, after he'd let his sorrow out in the night. Mr Slovakia tries to lighten the mood with a few jokes, but it doesen't really work, except for making Ms Czechia snort a bit. She herself tried to calm France down with a "it could be worse", but though she is right, it still hurts either way, soo..

When they come for him and George to take them home, he nods shortly and walks after them like a zombie. The other nation sighs almost unhearably, worry and sorrow written all over his face when he looks at his loved one. And frankly (another new word!), Mr England's face looks no different. George looks at us, nods shortly, mutters a "Thanks for your support, please excuse us now," and is about to walk after the older nation when Andrias unexpectedly screams "GROUP HUG!" and he's knocked over by a pile of bodies. George stiffens at first, but relaxes after a moment. Everyone from our squad gathered in one hug to help a member, how squads are supposed to.

"Now THIS is what I call SUPPORT!" Ash exclaims. (And to be honest, she looks overly happy to be hugging George. Hmmmm.)

"You and your over enthuastic american ass," retorts Fred.

"...thanks, you can..uh, would you mind-" stutters George after a moment, but Gabi beats him to it.


"Thanks though," George alleviates (and another! I'm just a genius ;) his outburst.

"No problem man," Andrias replies "you looked like you needed it. Pass it on!" Andrias is a underappreciated nation.

By this point, half of the nations is at least sobbing.

George looks in the direction France was walking and comes down to Earth.

"Shit! I have to go! But I will! You bet I will!" he calls after us in a lot more confident tone than earlier.

Andrias nods, though the channel can't see it from behind a corner anymore.


The meeting is cancelled, no wonder. Nations slowly start to go their ways, and me and dads are no exception. We say our goodbyes with the rest and I especially with the squad.

"Don't worry," Ash assures us "we'll be in contact through the chat, right? I promise to write y'all a lot!"

"Please don't," teases Fred. "And Gris, please don't hack anyone," he adds.

"No promises," I reply with a smirk. I'm quite sure Fred's account is unhackable anyway. He always makes overly complicated passwords. I could try to hack Gabi's tho. Hehehehehe.

"Bye binches." Speak of the devil.

"Heh, fuck you too," replies Fred, with a smile, unfazed.

Gabriel sends us all one last middle finger gesture and is off with Uncles Romano and Spain. Ah, classic. I'm 100% sure that gesture is one of Gabe's very first ones. He acts like he doesen't care about us at all, but he secretly does. He does.

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now