Ciao! Hallo! Tschüs! Hi! ^_^

My name's Griselda Vargas-Beilschmidt. I like my name. It means something like "dark fight". It's better than Rosa, anyway. But I'm not telling Gabriel that. I don't wanna argue about that, since he could easily get back on me by saying Mitzi is a name just as stupid. Yeah, yeah, right. Mitzi and Rosalin couldn't really care less about our fights though. Mitzi is sleeping an the radiator and Rosalin under it. That moment when your pets have a better relationship than you and your cousin. Heh. No, just kidding. Me and Gabe are best pals! Best worst pals. He's looking over my shoulder now, nodding and chuckling. Did nobody tell you diaries are private, idiota?! And now Fred, who's looking over both our shoulders, is laughing (full-on kesesesese), and Gabe is glaring at him as usual. Shush, you! This I will finish alone. 

This is my last entry. As you could guess, I should say. It's the fist today of the new year, and this is where I cut off. I think I've been keeping this up for just the right time, a year. You've got to know what it is like, to live my life. Si, I admit, I didn't write absolutely everything, but all I could. Sometimes nothing happened and sometimes too much. Well, that's life for you. But I think a lot happened on this year rather than nothing. Just think of it all...

I was sick and hacked Papa's account.

We went on a millions of walks with dogs and dads and Uncles. 

I got terrified on Valentine's day, so much so dads had to come back from their date. 

We went on a world meeting to New York, and had a picnic with Anni's pancakes.

We also had multiple sleepovers. *cue Fred being an opposum, sleeping upside down*

France and George had to leave early, sadly. 

I had birthday ^^ 

Then Gabi had birthday and got a freaking ship. All hail Spamano. So we did sailing shenenigans, summoned a ghost and Ashleigh and George did the Titanic pose.

Speaking of which, the two got together and George's shirt is missing as he's now sleeping under Ashleigh. Oh, Fred found it! ...completely ripped apart. Do I want to know what happened to it? No, no I do not. 

Ingrid summoned a troll in our house and passed out. 

We found out Fred's ancestry. It wasn't by the luckiest chance, but it happened. No point in trying to change the past. Oh look, another life lesson. And yeah, Fred's hockey team won some competitions! How could I leave that out?! 

Speaking of ancestry... I made a research about the Holy Roman empire that I didn't finish, because honestly... I'd taken Uncle Prussia's advice: it would do no good to anyone to dig it up from the past. Sometimes you just have to let things go. 

We went trick-or-treating on Halloween and Ingrid had the best costume. 

Then there were Christmas, spent in a hut of America's.

And now we're here.

Those of us who are up (me, Gabi, Fre-Fritzy ;), Lars and Anni) will soon be going downstairs to examine the damage, and have breakfast. I hope there won't be another mashed avocadoes anywhere. I know there will be people shirtless, I just know that. It wouldn't be a New Year of there weren't. 

Oh, they're going now, so I'll be ending. Uh, what do I wish for the new year and decade? Hmmmm...

Let us be a family and never break apart? Nah.

Lots of luck and personal victories? No.

Fortune? Cash? Health? Peace? Too cliché. 

Let us eat a lot of parmesan in the new year! 

- Yours truly



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