Christmas is so close now, I think the dogs can smell it! Oooor that's just the gingerbread Vati made. Whatever works for you.

We visited the Christmas market earlier, and it was as it always is - busy and crowded. Vati insisted on carrying me on his shoulders, even though I'm a big girl. Pff. Talk about cuddly and overprotective. The view was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, especially when the lights lit up in the evening. And I almost spilled my hot chocolate all over Vati's head multiple times. It was successful otherwise, as we managed to get presents for a lot of people. And got to eat delicious churros on the way.

Now there are both Gabi and his family and Fred with Uncle Canada, and the house is as full as I've never seen it before. I like it! It seems like there's someone in every room - Gabi and Fred conspiring together in the guest bedroom, Mitzi sleeping on the stairs (positioned for people to trip over her easily), Berlitz dead asleep in the bedroom (I put a blanket over him!), Uncles Prussia and Spain having a drinking contest in the living room, Vati baking gingerbread and other sweets on the kitchen with Aster, who's waiting for pieces of dough to fall off, Papa and Uncle Romano arguing in the hallway, and Uncle Canada with Blackie in his lap in Uncle Prussia's room. He seems peaceful, so I decide to join him.

"Hi, Uncle," I greet him as I sit on the floor with my diary, and he blushes. I guess he's not used to the nickname, so I'll have to make him get used to it!

"Hello, Griselda," he says, and it's so quiet I almost don't catch it. Damn, is his voice soft. Fred did always say he's the best storyteller of all because of it, and I can totally hear it. I have no idea how did he and Uncle Prussia end up together, but I'm so glad they did, and gave this world the brash but caring adventurer, who could be both tough and soft, and came to be an excellent hockey player and wildlife tamer, known as Frederick.

"Uncle? Can I ask you something?"

"Oh, me? O-of course."

"Will you teach me how to play hockey better than Fred?"

He laughs. Well, I can see how Uncle Prussia fell for him. He wanted some peace after a lifetime of fighting.

Oh, that reminds me! Did you know 'Frederick' actually means 'peaceful ruler'? ...I'm not sure how accurate that is, but I just thought it was an interesting fact. I've looked up into a book about name meanings, because I was curious as to other names beside mein, and it was... something.

'Gabriel' means 'God is my strength', which, since it was a name of an archangel, isn't surprising. 'George' means 'a farmer' or, more literally 'earth-worker'. 'Ashleigh' is more complicated, but it goes like 'who dwells near the ash tree'. Now, enter the Nordics: 'Anni' is 'God's grace' (maybe they should make a club with Gabi? Who has the most godly name?), 'Ingrid' means 'beautiful goddes' (oh, nevermind...). 'Lars' is 'crowned with laurel' and 'Andrias' is the real winner here. It means something along the lines of 'manly, courageous warrior'. Wow. =-= The only one with not really a great name is Kuya. I didn't find it in there. ... The Nordics sure know how to name their kids, don't they?

"Well, I don't know if you'll be able to be better than Fred," Uncle Canada says after a while "but I can teach you if you want..."

"Great! It's a deal then?" I yell excitedly. Canada shrugs.

"It is if you want it to be."


"Then bring ice skates when you visit next time, okay?"

Wait. Ice skating.

Ice skating.

*terrible ice skating turned butt sliding flashbacks* Oh, nevermind.

I talk to Uncle Canada for a while longer, then rush downstairs when I remember there's something I wanted to do. I grab the Holy Rome theory notebook, and run to the living room, past the newly decorated tree (we sure had a fun time on that one), past all the wreaths. Uncles now moved to the floor, watching some romantic comedy and munching popcorn. Someone lit up the fireplace, which we only lit up on Christmas and when it's really, really cold.

Bye bye, theory journal, I think as I throw it in the flames.

We might never know the real answer, but does it even matter? Vati and Papa are happy not knowing, everyone's happy not knowing, I'm happy not knowing.

It's gonna be a mystery forever! 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now