Finally! The afternoon has evolved into almost an evening, and it's time to go into the streets! I skip through the hallway, dressed in my costume, hoping to look as the best pizza as I can.

And there the others are, all dressed up as well. Gabi is dressed as a pirate, Fred as a werewolf with a bright red cape, which fits him well, Lars is a knight, and a very handsome one, might I add, while his sister is- a plague doctor?! Oh my, Ingrid. I should've expected something like that. Anyway, then there's his uncle Greenland, in a seal onesie, real cute, Andrias in green princess dress (huh, I wonder which princess it is), and Anni in a weird costume with bones over one half of it, and normal coat and skirt on the other half. Even her face is split in half by face paint, and she made it look like her flesh was rotting. Ew, but appropriate.

I'm almost the last one, I'm a tiny bit late because Papa was making sure the costume fits me and isn't too tight anywhere. Then dads nodded at me, telling me to have fun. I sure will! As I left, I heard Papa say that they'll have fun too, so I'm glad they won't be bored.


"Hola, Gris. A pizza costume? Wow," Gabriel smiles and imitates applauding. I bow, and compliment back. "That's a really nice pirate costume, Gabi."

"I know," he grins. Cheeky bastard. "I got inspired by our ghostly visit, you know."

And it hits me - his clothes are basically identical with the little I've seen on the ghost Gabriel back in summer. Wow.

"Gris! Looking really crunchy!" Fred stops conversing with Anni and comes to us.

"Ah, dankeschön! You look good too! You know, wild."

"Danke," he grins, showing off his fake canines. The twins also come to us.

"Hej, Griselda, nice costume!" Lars says.

"Thanks! I really like yours!" I reply, because it's true. It's very elaborate, the metal (hold on, is that real? Holy pasta lord, it is!) plates and everything. He scratches his head with a slightly red cheeks. It's probably too hot for him, poor guy. Ingrid rolls her eyes and punches his arm.

"What princess are you?" I ask Andrias, who also decided to join.

"The princess on the pea," he makes a pirouette.

"Yeah, Den wouldn't let us go if at least one of us didn't have an Andersen-based costume," Greenland explains. "And bro looks good in a dress."

"Why, brother, thank you."

"Not as good as Norway, though," interjects a heavily accented voice.

There they are, Ashleigh and George in their full glory. Ashleigh hasn't changed, her light blue shirt a bit crumpled, but still shining. And George is matching. Exactly the same outfit. He looks better in it (don't tell Ash!), because he fills in the shoulders better. Together they are the ultimate power couple.

Andrias snorts. "True, true."

"Wait, whaaaat?" Ingrid exclaims, sounding truly surprised and curious. Lars, too, glances between her, Andrias and George with an amused smile.

"Oh, long story short, Norway used to wear some dresses back in the day, and they actually fit him quite well," the Faroese says with a shrug.

"Oh. Dear Odin!" Ingrid says excitedly. Anni, who probably everyone forgot was there for a short time, laughs evilly.

Well, she certainly has everyone's attention now. Ashleigh's eyes widen.

"Anni, my gal! That looks so badass!" The taller one humbly nods. The American leaves George's side and goes over to inspect Anni's costume from every angle as she turns around her. "Wow! What's it supposed to be?"

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now