Ah, November. The month of laziness.

Hmph... okay, not exactly. School still requires us to work just as hard, and write tests just as hard, but otherwise it's the slumbering month, that's what Fred calls it. He's right, all I wanna do this month is sleep. ...and probably also eat and go to the toilet, but otherwise, that's it. On one hand, I would love sleeping as some animals do during the winter. On the other, I'd miss a lot of fun. And what about the Nordics, by this logic? Can you imagine being awake only for a few fleeting months in a year? I can't. That would suck. And also, Gabriel would have to be awake a damn lot more than I know he can, so I guess it's a good thing we don't do that.

That doesen't change that this time of the year sure is a one that doesen't exactly try to keep you awake, with all this cold but not snowy yet weather and early dark.

I know Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving around now, which Ashleigh explained to me a few years ago, about giving thanks for the harvest and the fact that they're still alive, and then she said Christmas oficially begin. But between Halloween and Christmas, there's one event that itself settles when one ends and one starts for me.

Fred's birthday.

Woah, he's so old! Well, not that old I guess, nowhere near George's or dads' or China's levels (nobody can reach those), but still. It's kind of weird, and scary, but a part of life, I guess. Getting old. Now, I know the nations kinda break the rule of 'old & wrinkly', but they were young once, haven't they? It's not like Vati remembers much of his early childhood, but Papa and Uncle Prussia sure do a lot. Papa leaves a lot of things unsaid, though. When I asked about his childhood, he was trying to avoid the question, and then made it as short as he could. Says it's not interesting. I beg to differ.

Uncle Prussia, however, loves to tell me stories of the Awesome Him back in the day. Though he, too, likes to keep some stuff he thinks I wouldn't handle well out. I think I could handle hearing about it, and learning from it, but not so well actually living it. But still I love his stories. He should write a book. The title would be something along the lines of 'The Awesome adventures of the Awesomest knight in the land and his loyal Awesome chicken'. It'd be a bestseller, I guarantee you.

Mentioning that, I should also inform you about this - I asked Ms Anežka about the Holy Roman empire on the last meeting. I caught her right as she was walking down the hall with her suitcase. And she told me...

"He was only a small child. Even smaller than me back in the day. He fought France and hung out with your Papa a lot." Oh, did he now? She smiles, then it fades. "Well, and then France finally got him. That's the short version."

"And the long version?"

She sighed, and it was clear this wasn't her favourite story to tell. "Look, Griselda, this isn't really the best of times to get into all that.."

"Was he your friend?"

"I- yes. Yes he was. Though we didn't get along at all as good as he and Itálie." I recognise the word for Papa. "So you should probabaly ask him. Holy Rome was a nice kid, quiet and obedient, but also strong and determined. Until his end."

That's some info, I guess. I write notes. My notebook is quite full of these stories, facts and theories now.

"What happened then?" I ask and she blinks.

"What do you mean, then? He died. Period. End. Ende. Konec."

"So you don't think..."

"Don't think what?!"

"That... maybe... he was reborn?"

She looked at me funnily, but then her phone rang and she had to pick it up. After having a conversation with her boss' assistant, she hung up (muttering "držet se u pastýře, klasická ovčí taktika, co?!") and had to go.

That did get me some info. Not much, but I hope she'll think about it.

Back to Fred! Oh gosh, I need to get him a gift! But I don't know what! Opening the group chat, I noticed I wasn't the only one.

The Ash ninja: Yo @Fred the Awesome (yes, he changed it back)

The Ash ninja: Whaddya want for your bday???

TheTeaIsSpilled: ...this physically pains me

The Ash ninja: D: whaaaaaaat!?!?? What does?! I'll fight anything!

Ice queen: Guess

The Ash ninja: Damn. I can feel the sarcasm all the way across the ocean.

Reindeer: #JustNorwaystuff

Reindeer: Also, it would be appreciated if you stopped screeching Into the Unknown, sis

Ice queen: Nej

The Ash ninja: @Reindeer Lmao send a vid

Reindeer has sent a video


Reindeer has changed his nickname to I'malreadydeadinside

TheTeaIsSpilled: Mood

Ikeaismyshit: What on Earth is going on here?!

I'malrwadydeadinside: Ingrid wants to kill me and I sure as hell will not stop her

Fred the Awesome had changed his nickname to Gimme presents

Gimme presents: Hey, you wanted to know what I wanted, correct?

The Ash ninja: Yeah... let's all forcus on that and not...

Ice queen: *Frozen 2 soundtrack blasting through the door, accompanied by muffled screeching*

The Ash ninja: ...that.

Gimme presents: I want Italian cheese from Grissy

Potato gnocchi: On it! ^_^

Churro child: Me and @TheTeaIsSpilled already have a present for your picky arse 

Gimme presents: /(OUO)/ what is it???

Churro child: Wait & see ;)

Ohoho, smug Gabriel? I guess we'll really see. 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now