I just now realise the picture would've been better here... *shrug*

We arrive at the spot, the somehow kind of secluded beach not many know about. Gabe, of course, knows every spot here, it's his home. There's nothing much here - the pier, sand, a tree. I really like this place, it's where we always go, but we have to be early enough so it's not crowded. I mean, it rarely gets like that, but the few times it did it was.. not as fun.

There is something new, though. A boat, wooden but solid, rather old-looking, complete with paddles.

"Huh," Gabi mutters, running his fingers on the wood, observing and exploring every dent. "Looks exactly like the ones from 16th century..."

"Weird," I say "who do you think put it there?" He shrugs.

"Maybe someone just borrows it to tourists for a living, what do we know."

"That makes sense..." I agree, but it's still weird.

We don't talk for a while, watching the sunset. It really does look like the Sun's going to take a nap in the sea and will rise again from there in the morning. When I tell Gabriel, he's not amused.

"That's stupid, you pequeño idiota. The Sun doesen't sleep at all, neither does the Earth." Sure, I know that, but... you just ruined my poetic moment, dangit!

"Aww," l pout "so do they never ever take a nap?! That's sad. What would life without naps be?!"

He pauses, "Shit, you're right..."

Then he stiffens, jumps closer and covers my mouth. "Shhhh!"

I try to ask "Shhhh what?! I didn't say anything!!", but it doesen't come out quite the way I planned.

"Sh! Shut it, Gris, and listen!" So I do.

Footsteps, I realise. And of more people than just one. I can tell we're thinking the same - either it's Uncles and dads with the gift, or someone else... good to be quiet either way. Gabriel points to the tree (it's actually a really short one, but big enough for us) and we crouch behind it so the newcomers don't see us.

We wait for something, any kind of signal we should jumpscare or flee.

"Are you absolutely sure we are in the right place? Because I am not convinced," says a very familiar voice. Me and Gabe look at each other, blinking. He smirks. This'll be fun.

"Excuse me, Mister Complaining, wir sind, look yourself," there's rustling of paper, probably a map, then tired "You literally made a giant 'X' on the map.... you... I-I'm just... That's it. I'm done." in a resignated voice.

"Georgie! Don't go!" calls a female with a teasing pout in her voice.

"On three," Gabe whispers. He doesen't need to say anything more than that for me to understand.


"Did you guys hear something or am I starting to go mad already?" the heavily accented male voice asks. I can almost hear him raise his eyebrows from behind the tree, I swear! It's very unsettling.

"You aren't mad yet?" the other male makes a witty comment.


"Dang, I heard something too!" the female joins.

"TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!" we both yell simultaneously as we jump from behind the tree, Gabe from left, I from right.

Ashleigh yells. Fred merely blinks from the map he's holding close to his face. George surprises everyone with a girly, high-pitched shriek.

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now