The cleaning is over and we're back home now. We were gone for three days and the house is the cleaner it ever will be. Not a single speck of dust and fur is left. At least, was, before we brought the pets home.

Natural order is disorder, after all. And pet fur has the unique ability to always get everywhere in a short time. So right now as I'm writing this, Mitzi is already furring up Vati's room and the dogs are busy in the rest of the house. Vati and Uncle Prussia left a note saying they went to 'have a drink or two' which means Uncle probably dragged Vati, and instead of 'one or two' it'll most likely be way more. I wonder if they're meeting Ms Czechia there? Or maybe 'Uncle' Denmark? I could call Lars and ask him. I like Lars better than Ingrid, because Ingrid doesen't tell you more than she necessarily needs to. Well unless you manage to get her into a conversation about the strange magical beings I don't even know the names of. And then it's me who's silent. Lars is easy and pleasant to talk to. I think the twins are polar ;) ;) ;)opposites.

Anyway, continuing where I left off the last time:

The new treasures from Gabe's room were a single sock he thought the washing machine ate long ago, and Uncle Spain's credit card. It was an old and not functioning anymore one, but still. He lost it about... oof, almost two years ago? There was a big fuss around it, yet it was still in the house! We didn't end up telling Uncles about that, though. Gabi kept it, for 'diplomatic purposes'. That means for himself. I think he wants to try if it's still blocked... Oh well. Might as well blackmail him into buying me something nice if it's not.

He, too, was preparing a costume, but he just wouldn't tell what it was, and I didn't pry. This isn't something to pry. If you do, it loses all its charm. We're both looking forward to the sweets Ashleigh promised.

Then all of us went for a walk with Aster, which was nice, because it wasn't as cold as in Germany. Gabi wouldn't survive if it was. I'm looking forward to making fun of him when he visits on Christmas. He always needs tons of layers. I bet all of the Nordics would make fun of him too. Probably even more. I've seen Lars in a plain, thin shirt in a temperature where I needed a thick sweater and a jacket. If he visited Spain, he would have to be naked or something!



Eheheheh, where was I? Oh, right, the walk. Uncle Romano complained, but it faded into the background noise easily. As I looked at the people walking around us, I had an idea, and Gabe joined. So together we started making our own life stories for all the people. It was big fun, until one fat lady noticed us calling her "Mrs Whale" as a nickname, and started yelling at us, which made Uncle Romano and Papa yell at her, and well... you do not want to get into a fight with an Italian protecting his children, trust me.

That's the story of how we got banned from the pastry shop. Too bad, their desserts were tasty. Aster looked sad too, so I gave her a bit of my pizza later.

We went home, had dinner and slept. I did make sure to be asleep after Gabi and to be awake before him. He said I snored in the morning, that dirty liar! It was Aster, not me! (Gabi was protesting against having Aster sleep in his room, but he was outvoted.)

The next day has gone by fast, but that was because I was enjoying it. Me and Gabe, and then Uncle Spain, played some board games and football and took Aster for another walk where she excitedly sniffed another dogs' buttholes and we climbed trees in the garden, ate and slept again and soon it was time for me and Papa to say goodbye and head home.

One short visit at Mr Switzerland's and Miss Liechtenstein's later, we got the pets and a bit of cheese from miss Liechtenstein - she's so nice! And I love their cheeses! Switzerland himself looked just as 'leave me the hell alone'-y as ever, but he got a little spark in his eyes when he talked about what did he and the dogs do.

He loves them, I can tell. He promised Aster to take her out next time. Then he gave them all treats.

They may say he doesen't care about anyone, but I'll always defend him.

As long as he keeps giving me cheese! 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now