Gris learning norwegian was suggested by my dear  AneRoh

Gris and Nordics fluff

I'm recovered now. Three days passed from the "hacking" and I'm fresh and ready.

Not ready for this, I thought as a teacher gave me an essay assigment. It made me want to crawl back under the covers of my comfortable den (bed)and cuddle with Mitzi and laugh at all bad forces, for they are not capable of getting in my lair.

No such luck. Verdammt.

Also, we have a geography project where we're supposed to pick one country and find information and talk about it.

Do you think that if I picked Norway I could talk in norwegian? I sure hope so! The teacher would surely be impressed! I could get extra points!

"Griselda, no one except you would understand what you're saying. That'd be like Tim here talking about Italy in italian."

"But I do understand italian! I'm half Italian myself!"

"Bad example..."

How do I know norwegian, you ask? I was bored on one meeting and Gabe wasn't there and I was like "hey, I could learn something new while I'm here". Five minutes later I juggled a ball on the head of Norway's troll, who got mad and wanted to eat me, and Norway had to stop him. He was curious as to why was I juggling in the first place, so I had confessed I wanted to learn something new while dads worked, and he offered to teach me norwegian under the promise I'd call him 'big brother' from now on, which is a bit weird, but okay. It's not like I have other siblings, so no one gets offended, right?


Okay, maybe dads were a bit  (a lot) freaked out about it...but they've grown used to it, even if they don't really like it. Iceland was just like "nice try, but I'm not going to call you that.. EVER".

And so he did teach me. I mean, I'm no fluent, and the pronunciation of certain things is hard, but I'd say I'm passable. I could manage to ask for directions if lost, at least. And Norway is 10000 times better than my own teacher. And Fred is too. Without him I'd never speak english like I do now, which, I admit, isn't that well, but way better than I'd learn solely (gosh I hope that's the right word) from school.

And it pays off greatly. Now I actually understand people. I remember my first world meeting - I was six and so nervous. I could only talk to Gabi or Uncles. When Ashleigh approached me, she tried to be patient and spoke v e r y s l o w, but the six year old me stayed mute all day. (Sudden surge of stubborness.)

But despite the language barrier it was quite alright meeting. The nations were nice to me (Austria even said he "couldn't believe Germany could produce something so cute" I can't tell if he was being an asshole or not..)

I actually cherished the idea of having a baby brother (the ass of an older one was already Gabe, with Fred as the cool cousin). I had a toy (canadian) bear I carried everywhere, until I was, like nine or ten. And even now I still have him in his den in my wardrobe - right between short-sleeved shirts and skirts. And yes, sometimes I do cuddle with him. I'm definitely not super sentimental while doing that. Nope.

Well, for one period of time I really acted as if Norway was my brother. Though I had to call him "big", I thought of him as the "little" one. I sneaked him cookies and sweets, asked him how was he feeling and what was new. Ingrid (or Svalbard) and Lars Jan (Jan Mayen), his twin children, both a year older than me, were totally ok with it and were like "we'll call you aunt if you'll get us sweets too", so I did. They called me "aunt Gris". Despite being older than me. Despite not being related. Despite being called silly and stupid countless times. Even now they sometimes slip.

I love them so much.

Norway didn't seem too bothered with my charade, he decided to play along instead, thanking for the treats and honestly answering my questions regarding his welfare and being interested in mine in return. Denmark just thought it was cute as hell (which it was). I like Denmark - he's kind of my uncle too, just a distant one. He's funny and likes fairytales and Lego. (Way too much lego...) He once got me a giant box of it on my birthday, which was really nice of him. I built it. And made him tiramisu in return, because Uncle Japan says you should always return everyone's favours and gifts.

And together with Norway they're a lovely pair. So lovely they have four kids. (Faroe and Greenland aren't technically their kids, but whatevs. They raised them together. Family is family.)

How about other Nordics?

Mr Finland's nice, but I always feel a tad bit uneasy about him, as one never knows when will he pull out a sniper rifle. I once heard him performing what Anni called the "Finnish battle cry". It was absolutely terrifying. Have you seen that video "Finnish man scares a bear away shouting 'Perkele!'"? Yep, I like to imagine that's how the Winter war went.

Mr Sweden's quite neutral, barely paying me attention for more than greetings, but I kind of like him instinctively.. He reminds me of my Vati a lot...

Mr Iceland is not talking to me much, though I explained the whole Norway situation to him. He's just not very extroverted and sticks to his brothers and other Nordics (and Mr Puffin). But he, unlike some other nations who were young a long, loooooong time ago, remembers the pains of growing up.

And then there's my favourite Nordic, my deer (pun intended) sister (not really but you know), Anni, representing Ålands. 

Those are a group of small islands between Finland and Sweden. You wouldn't guess that, though. She's got Sweden's height for some reason. And his look. The Swedish look TM. But inside she's just the nice, sweet sniper like Finland. We understand each other and have a lot of similarities.

Our friendship started when she accidentally broke Mr China's vase and he came in and was maaaaaaad. I took it on myself that day.

The next world meeting she had approached me, smiling shyly. "Could I maybe braid your hair and make you some nice hairstyle with my new hairpins?" she had asked, showing me a bunch of pretty hairpins with flowers.

"Klar! Sure!"

They say friends are a family you choose for yourself. I'm over 5000% certain that it is true.


*strikes you with dat ocs*

Anni and Gris are my favourites. ...that was obvious, right?

Also what I think the relationship between Faroe and Greenland is that they're technically brothers to Norway and Iceland, but since Denmark raised them they see him as a father figure. Thus Faroe's nickname for him - Dadmark.

Anni, Faroe and Greenland have been around for centuries, though they aged slowly (as nations do) and are now in human only a bit older than Gris herself (who grew up in  human speed). Ingrid and Lars Jan, on the other hand, are both quite young as dependencies, but are in human a year older than Gris. These two are twins and the legitimate Dennor children.

In my eyes.

In this fic.

Don't hesitate to ask if you didn't understand. (Gabriel is normal human 12, Gris is normal human 11, while Faroe, for example, is centuries old, but about 15 in human)

Hope you enjoyed this part! ^_^ (it was meant to be posted yesterday,

Up next: probably some Pasta cousins 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now