The summer holiday were too short after that, and before I could blink, we were shopping for 'back to school' supplies.

I hate 'back to school'!

Vati always prints the list of what I need and cheeks out things while Papa is looking at random pretty things and shows them to us. We then always end up forgetting something and Uncle Prussia has to get it.

And of course, this time was no different.

"Feliciano! Stop looking at the things we do not need and look for something useful!"

"Buuut! This pencilcase is really pretty! Don't you think so?"

I have to agree, but I have a pencilcase already and don't want to spend the whole day in the shop. While Vati is looking for a set of pencils for geometry, I stray away and discover a big set of colourful pencils.

Well, those are important, right?

"You'll need pencils too, right?" Papa asks and picks it up. I nod, because I saw a beautiful pale violet and the skin coloured ones in there, and I don't need to say another thing.

Then we picked notebooks ("look, this one has a puppy on it!" - we ended up buying seven of those - Vati totally wants a few for goverment notes) and geometry stuff, new erasers and sharpeners, plasticine and watercolours and a set od brushes. I told Vati I'll most likely only need one or two, but he insisted on buying the whole set of six. Papa agreed, he would never buy only one brush. He went on to explain what are each of them for.

It was expensive. But hey, it's not my money...

The school hype is strong in my family. It began when they were signing me up for it. Gabe was already going to school, so I wanted to level up too. I was actually excited for school, because everyone was telling me how great will it be and how many friends will I make. I didn't know Ashleigh or George back then, and Fred only a little, so they couldn't warn me.

My very first day of school, I think my parents were more hyped and more excited than I was, and certainly more emotional. So emotional. I then wanted to bring dogs to class, but was told I couldn't, so I sulked in the back of the car while Vati drove.

Oh well. I suppose it's a necesseary part of life. And it's not so bad, only sometimes confusing. My classmates are okay most of the time, though I'm not really close friends with anyone. Our teachers are mostly okay too, except the history one has a grudge against me, because I keep retelling history as Uncle Prussia tells me, and she doesen't like it. Bitch.

The first day of school in the new year was okay. We talked about what we were doing during summer and organising things like lockers and all that.

If only the rest of the school year was this easy.

At least I found some reassuring in our chat.

NorthernLightsAndSheep: So, how is school? ;)

Ice queen: STFU

Polar hugs: ;)

MuchBarkNoBite: Hijo de PUTA MADRE!

NorthernLightsAndSheep: *google translating*

NorthernLightsAndSheep: Oh

The Ash ninja: So... are y'all dead already? 'Cause I sure am

TheTeaIsSpilled: We'll be ghosts together :)


That reminds me, Ashleigh told the others what happened between her and George. The reactions were mostly along the lines of "FINALLY!" and "Was about time". She was surprised. Anni and Lars knew all along she had a crush on him, much to her confusion.

"How?! Wasn't I super smooth?"

The two shook their heads.

"No," Anni explained "George is just a dumbass when it comes to feelings, as a lot of boys are."

George, fortunately, didn't hear this and I'm not dead from school yet. 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora