So that brings us to the present. A new decade is just a few minutes away, and everyone is gathered outside. Dads allowed me to watch the fireworks, but only if I go sleep right after, so I'm in my pyjamas and a warm jacket. I'm still inside, but soon I'll go outside to the rest of them. It's almost there. America's got his own fireworks, because the guy always has fireworks. After that I'm supposed to go to sleep, but I doubt I can sleep with as much sugar in my system as I have now. Yeah. I'm just hyped! Is this how America feels all the time? Because his sweets have too much damn sugar? Ashleigh isn't really as hype as her brother, and I think I didn't see her eating so much sweets, so maybe? Yeah, America is hella hyped. (Do people even say hella anymore?) Eat a snicker, you'll be hyped all night.

I look around, at all these people, at the ones who've been around for me the entire year, and I think of all that's changed. Gabi is a bit friendlier, Ash a bit calmer and George a bit more optimistic thanks to each other, Ingrid isn't as iceberg-cold and Lars isn't so overlooked, Andrias is a bit more shareful, Kuya smiles a bit more (he's smiling right now - god knows he smiled in the previous days alone more than I've seen him in the entire rest of the year), Anni is her awesome self, and Fred doesen't have only one parent anymore. And I? Oh, I think, thanks to the diary, I've come to realise how much I need these people. And pets, sure, I think as Berlitz rubs his head into my hand. Another year down, but it was an eventful one. I guess it made me notice these people more, made me more observant, if only slightly. And, taught me a lot of new words! (If I wanted to flex, I could say I'm one of the best in my class in english, but I don't want to.)


All in all, it was a good year.


Full of surprises.


And new discoveries and experiences.


Yeah, there were good and bad moments...


But in the end, it only brought us closer.

Happy new year!

And there go the fireworks. And there also goes Ashleigh kissing George to start off the new year. And there goes utterly disgusted Gabi. And Papa taking inspiration. And Uncle Spain trying to, but Uncle Romano smacking him. And there go the Nordics throwing snow around. And there goes Ingrid singing (read: screeching) Into the Unknown. Once again. Sigh. Fucking hell.

The fireworks were really pretty though, I won't lie. Vati took me on his shoulders even though I'm a big girl now and I don't need it. I wasn't complaining though. I wasn't complaining at all.

I had to go to sleep soon after, with Ingrid and Lars and Gabi, too, but I could've hear alcohol being consumed downstairs long after bedtime. Lars managed to sneak a can of root beer upstairs, and passed it. I know it wasn't alcoholic, because it was for America, but still. What a way to start off the New year. 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now