Short because I need you to tell me what format should I use for the next one.

Hey bastards who actually care to read this.

Now you're wondering what the hell, right?

Well let me tell you.

Grissy came for a visit, but then ate too much spicey sauce and stuff and now she's locked in the bathroom and, according to the noises, is going to be there for a while. It's so sad I even played Despacito on the guitar for her. She did not appreciate this. Probably because she hates that song. I'm just the best cousin ever :)

Let's do it again: Hey bastards who actually care to read this, I'm Gabriel Antonio Fernandez-Carriedo. Gris might've mentioned me.

I don't know what does she keep writing in this shit. Probably just doodling her dogs. Or cat. I don't really like dogs. Or cats. I like pigs. I even had a pig when I was younger...

Now I'm sad.

Well, I'll just read what Gris has written and I can comment on it. And possibly get some blackmail material, as Fred does.

Gris already has blackmail material of me, so it'd be just fair.

Oh, Fred? He's cool, but I like George better. Did you even notice they have exactly the same names as Fred and George Weasley? Cuz they do. They played it cool and got those sweaters with the letters F and G on them, except George got the one with F and Fred with G. Their dads say their names are a coincidence. But is it really??

Funny, cuz Fred and George are nothing alike. Fred drinks hot tea right from the thermos and George cringes.

Me, Fred and George have a club called "Our dads are drinking together again". See, Mama? I am not antisocial, dammit! And of course there's Gris. ...Griselda, if you're reading this, I know I'm a grumpy piece of shit, so thanks for putting up with me. (And making tiramisu for me.) I appreciate it.

Well, let's get started on the commenting I guess.


Would you like me to do just Gabe's thoughts or put the whole commented sentence there? Let me know! 

Also, Fred and George. It IS a coincidence, I guess (or my Potterhead was showing at the time I named them). I just thought of the names separately and didn't realise before it was too late to change anything. But I still wouldn't change it, even if I could. They both have history behind their names. My babies ;-;

Ok, let me know and until next time! 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now