Remember how I said the meeting arc could go over 3 chapters? It might even go over 6...but I don't know. Also depends on how you'll want it..

I woke up today at 3:47 am. Timezones are missing up my sleep. I mean, hour or two are fine, but five hours less, that is a difference. Vati is used to not getting much sleep anyway, he's an early riser, while Papa likes to sleep in. I'm somewhere in the middle, I guess. Maybe it's my careful instincts knowing I've gotta be up before Gabe, even though he's not here - he and Uncles Spain and Romano have a room on the first floor, while me and dads are on the third.

You see, the nations are usually staying at the same place, or at least close. Which could be dangerous if anyone knew who they are, but all the staff assumes they're just diplomats or something like that.

We arrived yesterday at about 2 pm local time. I actually like flying, so I wasn't trying to sleep or not to throw up as Gabriel does. I watched the clouds contrasting against the clear blue sky - the blue that my eyes had inherited. I get all poetic sometimes, for whatever reason.

Papa's eyes are caramel, or some dark honey. Vati's are obviously blue like mine. Gabe's eyes would be ...probably spring grass, shining with droplets of water. The same goes to Uncle Spain's. Uncle Romano's are a bit darker than Papa's, like light chocolate with golden spots here and there. Anni's eyes are a beautiful shade of light violet, mixed with turqoise the tiniest bit. George's are deep green, like a fairytale forest, or nettle leaves or something, and they're wise, like they could tell a million magical stories. I guess that fits him well, as he really could. And he does have the magic TM. Uncle Prussia's are red, but real shiny. I suppose they could look at you bloodthirstily (new word!), but he's never looked at me like that. Uncle Prussia may be tough and skilled in battles, but he loves children, especially me of course (Real humble of me, I know ;)). And Gilbird. Gilbird is the best bird. *sits back in a chair with a cup of cocoa in my hand* Change my mind.


The schedule for today is:

10 - 13 some reporting and debate, which I don't really care much about, because as I know, it'll turn into chaos within twenty minutes, if not less

13 - 14 lunch break! :D

14 - 16 another round of angry yelling

16 - 18 well-needed break

18 dinner at the hotel

And then most likely sleep or preparing materials for the next day. That's right. There's a next day.

It's calm and quiet, writing in this hour. Only sounds of some traffic are to be heard through the window, but other than that, it's peaceful. Serene. I get now how some people like to work in the night.

I hear Papa shift and make some sleepy sound. It sounded like "go sleep", but I can't sleep! My sleep schedule is already destroyed.


Oh shoot, I think Vati noticed the light.

"...Si?" I answer as nonchalantly as I can, as if I writing about one's eye colour in 4 in the morning is something absolutely normal.

Then my door's opening, revealing Vati, trying to look tough while having his hair sticking in all directions, kinda like Mr Denmark, behind them.

"Go to sleep," he yawns. Aww.



"Okay, okay! I'll just finish a sentence, ja?"

"Na ja," he agrees and shuffles away.

I'll turn off the lamp as soon as I finish this report. I'll try to get some extra sleep. There's a long day ahead of me, after all.

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now