The Ash ninja: @Frog jr. Congrats to England!!! 

Frog jr.: Thank you, I'll tell him :)

Jarl: Congrats why?

The Ash ninja: Did you not hear the news?? Congrats about the baby!! :) :) :)


Fred the Great: XD XD XD XD

Frog jr.: OH MY LORD nO!!!

Fred the Great: Lars killed me XD

Fred the Great: I need ressurection

Frog jr.: *cracks knuckles*

Potato gnocchi: Umm?

Ice queen: Dear Odin..

Ikeaismyshit: Ashleigh was talking about the newborn son of Prince Harry I think

The Ash ninja: Yes, what ELSE would I mean?!???

Reindeer: ..............

Jarl: Idk, new territorry?

Ikeaismyshit: Or something?

Reindeer: Or something, yes

Reindeer: Kill me

Jarl: Lars, what the fu-

Churro child: This whole chat needs a big ass cleansing

Churro child: *pours Holy water over the screen of my phone*

Oh, so the British royal family has a new baby member! How sweet! Babies are nice when they're not crying or smelling strangely. That reminds me of my baby pictures we have in a big album. We have looked at them together recently, because dads add a picture of me on my birthday there every year. And Uncles have the same for Gabe, though he's not very excited about seeing his tiny self. But he was cute. He still could be cute if he just smiled a bit more.

I've seen baby Fred pictures as well, Mr Canada carries them in his wallet. Our favourite albino boy actually looked more like a wild forest elf or something like that than a human, mostly thanks to his colouring. I don't know just who had he inherited it from... And he had this strange look in his eyes, like, "You can't tame me". He still does and it's unsettling and comforting at the same time.

"Hey dad, what are you showing there-!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAAD!! Stop, I'm uglyyyyy!" he had said that day, snatching the photos away in his hoodie pocket.

Ashleigh sniffed at the air. "I smell insecurities..."

What would little George look like? Or Ashleigh? Nordics? Probably adorable as well, but who knows. They grew up in a world without such things as photos, so that's a pity and I can only theoretize.

Maybe we should all bring our old photos to the next meeting! I'd love to see what did they look like when they were younger. Not babies, but it's something.

Oooh, and little dads! That'd be interesting! I could call up Uncles...

So I did. And I called up other nations too.

The result of my research:

"Oh, well, your Papa was such a nice child, I actually envied Austria... Then I got Romano, but since he's the polar opposite..." -Uncle Spain

Of course. Little Romano was definitely a troublesome child. It's honestly a bit weird that as foul-mouthed as Gabe is, he actually wasn't the troublemaker of the two of us, that was- is me.

"Hey, do you want to have a competition?"

Gabe was always up for a challenge. "Sure."

"Who can climb this tree faster wins!" I appointed, pointing at a nearby oak. "Ready, set, GO!"

I would be first if I didn't scratch my knee on one of the branches and didn't start to cry.

"I won!" He exclaimed victouriously, patting the bark. Then he turned to me and his happy tone changed to a worried whine. "Grissy? You okay?"

We climbed down and then he threw me over his shoulder like I showed him how potatoes should be carried. He carried me back and never once let me go.

"Your Papa looked like a little girl! It was adorable!" -Ms Hungary

Wait, WHAT? I... I was not expecting that...

"Bruder? Oh, he was just adorable!" -Uncle Prussia

Some other things I found out:

"Prusko was... uh, not your average kind of child, that's for sure..." -Ms Czechia

"Hungary thought she was a guy." -Uncle Prussia

"I adored little Holy Roman empire, he was adorable!" -Ms Hungary


The frick.

Is Holy Roman empire.

I don't know anyone like that. But then I remembered something we learned about in school-

German area in the Middle ages? Do I have that right? ...wait, so he's dead or what? I'll have to investigate further.


Right. After I feed Mitzi. 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now