F**k yeah! I can upload pics again! :D :D Ash, Fred & George will be in the next chapter! 


Spring slowly turns into summer and days get hotter, nights shorter and Gabi busy.

"Tourists come at me!" he always says and cracks his knuckles, then makes his rainbow cocktails in the beach bar all day until Uncle Spain comes over and physically drags him out at, like, ten o'clock in the night. Uncle Spain does not like Gabe staying up late. It does get very busy, but Gabe wouldn't change it for anything. He's born for this, isn't he?

And talking about Gabi, his birthday are coming! Me and dads are invited to help prepare everything and me to hold Gabriel back and busy him while it's being done. I'm really looking forward to it!!

Usually, he'd have a small family celebration, with his dads, me and my dads. Uncle Spain made him invite a few schoolmates, too, back in third grade, but then the only one who ended up not enjoying it was Gabe himself, who hid in the attic during hide and seek, and was not found for a long time, which was exactly his point, until he almost had a heart attack when a big spider ran over his leg. He screeched like a little girl and came running back, dust in his hair and on his clothes, just everywhere.

So yeah. Uncle hasn't pressured him to socialise much again.

A few days later

It's here! Gabe's birthday!! I made him tiramisu of course, but Uncles planned something big! They didn't tell me what it is, though. I'm supposed to spend the day with Gabi, distract him, and meet Uncles at the pier on one of the beaches in the late afternoon.

"Gaaaabiiiii!" I squeal when he opens the door, and hug him. I like hugging and he does too, but he wouldn't say it. He pats my back. He's an awkward hugger, you see. I think we established that before, no?

"Damn, Grissy, we didn't see each other for like, a week, calm down!" he swears on the outside, but is happy on the inside. That's kind of his way of telling people he missed them. "If you don't have tiramisu, get out," he adds and I cannot tell if he's joking or not, so I only laugh nervously with my eyes closed.

"Gabriel! That's not very polite!" Uncle Spain tries to correct him, but only makes it worse as my beloved cousin replies "Oh, please accept my sincerest apologies. I did not mean to offend you. Please hand over the edibles you brought or be gone," in a mocking George tone, then yells "THOT!" in a British accent. It's incredibly accurate.

Uncle Spain facepalms, Uncle Romano smiles.

"What is even a thot?!" I ask. He looks taken aback. "Uhh, sorry I- I meant, oh screw it," he hiccups and takes my hand instead.

"Let's go eat that tiramisu before it melts."

Oh, I do understand that 'melting' part. It's only so freaking hot out here!! I can feel myself getting sunburnt from the moment the sunlight touches my skin. And even though I do apply sunscreen, it won't help. Another thing that happens to me every summer is that my hair get a bit darker, which is not something to complain about, since my normal hair colour is very light. (Ingrid's lighter though. And Fred's the lightest of all of us, pale blonde, almost ghost-ish with hints of silver one wouldn't notice at first glance. But I'm getting distracted!)

After we ate the delicious treat I made, Uncles suggested for Gabriel and me to "go outside, and Gabi, why don't you show Gris the new place where you'll be doing summer job?" He didn't seem to mind being basically ordered to spend time with me on his birthday instead of being left alone at peace (preferably with food) like he always says he wants - he knows something's up, and hell be damned if he doesen't find out what!

Papa applies another layer of sunscreen on my face and shoulders before I go, but out of the cooling shadows I can feel it being worthless, Sun already set on making me as tanned as... well, Gabriel is, in the end of the day.

"So..." he says, walking one step ahead.


"So what are those sly foxes planning?" I smile upon imagining Uncles with fox ears and tails, then shrug with a expression that hopefully says I'm not much wiser than him.

"Okay, so, what did they tell you to do?" Gabe interrogates.

"Distract you?" He puts his hand over his mouth and I know he's thinking, a distant look in his green eyes... That's it. I am becoming a poet for a living. I'm already great at it! :D

"From what?"

"I don't knoooooowwwwwww!" I whine.

"That's exactly how I feel when the teacher calls me to count the result of some shit I don't care about," he grins. "But anyway, did they give you any instructions?"

"I only know to go to one beach in.. about three hours?" I keep my eyes closed so they won't be blinded by the cruel, hot sunlight, reflecting on the white pathway.

"Weird," Gabe pouts and does the "thinking but not really" face that we both often do in class.

"So, can you show me the place?" I ask, trying to distract him from ruining himself a nice surprise. He looks up on the blue, cloudless sky, and nods. I inhale the salty sea air and perk up, for I already hear the sea somewhere in front of us.

The next hours are fun. With no adults supervising, we can do anything we please and without hearing "No!! Get down! Don't do that, you might hurt yourself!!", though I know they mean well. Gabriel suggested ice cream eating contest, then realised we had no money on us.

"Hey Gris!" he laughs, pointing at a nearby palm tree. "Want to climb it again?"

"N-no, Danke," I refrain, my palms starting to itch, as if they remembered how badly I scraped both of them trying to climb a palm tree at age seven. To make it worse, I then proceeded to wash them in the sea.


It ended up with me screaming my heart out, running around, furiously waving my hands while my blood mixed with the salty seawater. Papa tried to catch me to soothe me, yet I kept running around...

All while Gabe was having a great time, laughing at my pain. Idiot!

We go on a walk around the town, with me observing the colourful souvenirs in the shops, tempting the tourists. The day passes fast when you're having fun, so we, after the hours of fun, found ourselves walking in the direction of the said beach, where we're supposed to wait on a pier for... something. The Sun was finally setting, with the night crawling upon us, it looked like the Sun was falling into the sea to nap.

Our legs pleasantly burning, my shoulders and face definitely unpleasantly sunburnt, we joked around about what would there be waiting.

"A party!"

"Or a new pet?"

"A big gift!"

"I hope so!!"

Neither of us expected to find the thing that was really there, waiting for us as well.

Waiting for its Captain...


Boom! ;D 

I rewrote this in my head like... 4 times, this is the best I could do. The next  chapter will surely be fun! ;D

I hope you're getting the summer vibes, because SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!!!! :D *headbangs*

But really, what do you expect from a thing that has all three of ODADTA AND Ash with Gris?! 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now