Today I called the twins. I'm glad Ingrid is feeling better. She sounded fine, excited almost. I don't know why tho. But I'm glad I got to know this side of her, the insecure and cheerful one. It shows that everyone really has another side to them.

Explaining the door was... really hard.

"Wait, a troll?"

"What's a troll?"

"I don't really know. I only know it broke my door down."

After a fifteen minute long conversation with Norway about trolls, Vati decided to not investigate further.

The dogs were sniffing around my wardrobe like crazy, looking spooked by the idea of a strange magical being in our house.

"Don't worry. It was a troll. It's gone now."

Then, hours later, laying in bed, I had a thought...

Ooooor is iiiiiiit???

I just made me scared. Great.


"Griselda?" she sounded annoyed "why are you calling me in TWO IN THE MORNING?!"


"Sorry... I just... Are you sure the troll is gone and nothing evil will replace him?"

I heard her facepalm. "YES I'M F***ING SURE!!"

A faint "why are you yelling" could be heard.


"You could do that?" I beamed.

"Of course I could but iT'S LITERALLY TWO IN THE MORNING!!!"


The angry Norwegian ended the call.

"Griselda? Why are you up and what was that yelling?"

"Sorry, Vati. I was just calling Ingrid..."

"Again? Why?"

"Because I got scared that the troll could bring friends..."

An irritated shake of head was what I got as a response.

"Grissie? Luddy?" we heard behind Vati's back. "Wha-?"

"I got scared the troll could return, okay?!"

So that's the story of how I could share a bed with them even though I'm twelve (!). I love my dads. I feel like I'm not saying that enough. So I told them, too.

"We love you too, sweetie!"

And then Mitzi joined!

Another thing - I've started my Holy Roman empire research. There's nothing much to go by, really. If it also had a personification, as I know it did, he's probably... you know... dead? I guess? I don't know. I don't even know how would he look like. I'll have to ask Ms Hungary for more info.

Other than that - Uncle Prussia is off somewhere because of work, which sucks, but he told me it was really important for him, sooo....

Oh and Fred! Fred has his hockey tournament! I'm holding my thumbs for him! I've seen him on the ice and he's amazing, and I know he's an equally amazing leader, so I think they'll do great.

From the chat I found out that George is currently trying to take care of both his parents (?) at once, as always, and Sealand is at Sweden's so they have some quality family time with Ladonia and Anni. Anni sent a short video of the boys running around and yelling, to which George responded with a selfie of him with France, stuffing their mouth with cheese. And Gabe? Oh, he's relaxing at his many beaches while there aren't crowds. I'm jealous.

I wanna stuff my mouth with cheese on a sunny beach too!


The last sentance: me too, Gris, me too.

If you haven't checked out @AneRoh yet, you should do it,  you're missing some quality art.

The next will be short stories in the Awesomeness book. I'm sorry for not uploading here sooner, but I feel like adding to the characters is what I should currently focus on. I'm definitely not abandoning Gris, though! Gris is and always will be my baby! ;-; 

See ya! :)

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now