Let's play who finds a reference! 

Today we went skating. I already told you about my "excellent" skating abilities, right? So I think it won't surprise you when I tell you it really was more me holding on to Vati's leg like a tick.

Skating and I don't go together.

It must've been a funny sight, because Papa was laughing practically from the moment I grabbed it all the way until 15 minutes later Vati decided that's enough. He tries to get me to like sports, and I do...some of them. I just don't like this particular one. I do like ball games and running but THIS, when I'm not standing firmly on the ground, scares me and makes me nervous...

Both Vati and Papa are good skaters, so it kinda saddens me...

However, it's comforting to know I'm not the only one. Gabriel is even worse. He's the worst skater ever. (And I'm second...) Seriously! One time all of our dads left us at the rink for like 10 minutes or so to practice on our own, but it quickly turned into "who can glide across the ice on their butt to the other side faster" competition.

Gabriel won because he has a bigger butt. Damn his big spanish ass!

It's really nice to have someone who's even worse than you at something you're really bad at. Gives you hope. Especially when you see how amazing other people are and you're like "How??????"

Yeeeeahhhhh, Nordics. And Fred. All of them probably have it in their DNA or something. Or they're just okay with standing on the blades. Either way they're all just amazing, like the ice was their normal ground or something. As if it wasn't slippery as hell.

George is...passable (ha! New word!) I guess. That means he's okay. Not the best, but not like me and Gabe. And Ashleigh...uhhhhh, the last time I saw her skate, she blasted off with a shout "I WAS BORN TO MAKE HISTORYYYYY!" And then she fell flat on her face.

People, especially Anni and Lars, couldn't stop laughing, and she would've been stuck there if Anni hadn't have mercy on her and didn't help (the tenses are wrong but who cares) her up again (after what seemed like two hours of non-stop laughter).

Also, earlier the same session, Gabi fell forth and grabbed Ingrid and they ended up in one ball of limbs on the ice. Her twin brother, Lars, laughed the hardest that time.

Plus, it was one of the times Ingrid couldn't maintain her poker face (you know, that poker face like Norway has) and actually showed emotion (it was anger but still). 

And Gabe- Oh boy, Gabe. His face was priceless. Flustered and confused, so unlike his usual confident angry kitten hello bitches expression. Just. You had to see that to believe it. (Of course he then started yelling "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, IDIOTAS?!" and I replied "You!" and he tried to chase me, but he forgot he was on the ice and fell again and everyone laughed harder. Gabe then proceeded to scream every curse word he knew and threaten to do nasty things which he always threatens with but never does. Probably because most of them are illegal.)

Me and dads treated ourselves with some hot chocolate afterwards. We deserve it after such exhausting feat ;)

That's the one and only thing I like about skating. 



🍪 <—cookie for the person who found the reference ^_^ 

 I was wondering if I should start uploading on some certain days only about twice a week so you'd know which day to expect the upload and I'd have a better schedule. What do you think? 

Bye for now~

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now