I don't know what is happening for a moment. The first thing I remember from the following moment is George with one arm outstreched and his eyes glowing, while Ashleigh is clinging to him torso, apologizing for her sins like she's in a church.

Then I come to see Norway tightly hugging both of his children (Ingrid looks distressed while Lars looks like 'meh'), Gabi on Fred's back, Faroe and Greenland blinking and Anni mildly annoyed.

George's glow fades and he exhales. "It's all safe now," he puts his arm down and around his trembling girlfriend.

"A-are you sure?" she hiccups.

"Ash, you're my girlfriend who I love and wouldn't let anything happen to, so believe me, if there was anything I deemed dangerous, I would never say what I just said," he monologues in a gentle tone.


"Of course."

"Y-you love me... even though I beat your ass at Monopoly?" she looks at him hopefully. He rolls his eyes. "...way to get the moment ruined, Ash...," he mumbles, but is interrupted by a screech of "I LOVE YA TOO, GEORGIE!" and the American apparently trying (and succeeding) to squeeze all air out of him.

"Tsk," Anni mumbles almost incoherently "and they haven't even assembled Ikea furniture together yet."

The Norwegians, meanwhile, are all still in a hug, and Norway doesen't look like he's planning on letting the twins go anytime soon. And sure enough, he says:

"I'm not taking any chances. You two," he rubs his cheek against Ingrid's, which is adorable as hell by the way, "are going with me back to the hotel."

"Hey, and what about us?!" Faroe exclaims teasingly. "You'd just let us die?"

Norway doesen't respond.

"Your own brothers??" Greenland adds, faking being offended.

"You're adopted." Norway finally responds. Both of the brothers fake-gasp.

"Nu-uh!" Faroe smirks, "literally nobody knew about that!"

"Do as you want," the mama bear says "me and my children are going home."

"But dad!" Lars clutches his sleeve "you promised to let us trick-or-treat!"

"Oh well," his dad allows, "but be back before 11," he shoots Ashleigh a look -which she doesen't notice, being all too wrapped up in the making-up (and making out), then he lifts both of the twins somehow, and heads downstairs. A small "yay!" is the last thing we hear of them.

Denmark looks around. "Should I... should I follow them, orrr?"

"Nah," Faroe replies, laying on the blanket we're sitting on "they'll have some quality mama bear and his cubs bonding time, you're not needed there."

Speaking of which... Papa got spooked before too, and now got about the same idea as Norway. Being affectionate as he is, he also hugs me, but when he tries to lift me like Norway did, his back cracks and he releases me. Vati sighs, and picks both of us. "Well, I do apologize, but it seems like we have to end the meeting for now." The others mumble between each other, but they're used to the fact that no meeting can go as planned.

Gabi is still clinging to Fred like a tick, and George, who his girlfriend has stopped busying with kisses, tries to get him to stop, but Gabi is comfy. I know, Gabe, I know. Fred's back is very comfy. Like, damn. (Is that what they say?)

Meanwhile, Anni is just sitting there.... bored, sorting through an Ikea catalogue. Wait... where did she get it from?!? I'm positive there wasn't any just a few seconds ago!!!

Before I have a chance to ask though, Vati is matching with me and Papa down the stairs and out of the building.

Oh god, this is going to haunt me. Not a scary story, not the candle incident, but a catalogue.

Damn dark-magic using Ikea!

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now