I wake up, and when I remember yesterday, I don't really expect anyone to be awake as well because it's 9 am, and the average drunk sleeping-in time is no sooner til 10. Even then it's a small miracle. That's why I'm surprised to hear noises of food-making from the kitchen, and see Mitzi left her spot, which she would never do unless there was food. So, someone must've got up early. Judging from the light snoring from Uncle Prussia's, it's neither him nor Uncle Denmark. As I get up and peek into dads' bedroom, I see the two still sleeping as well, with a glass of water and some painkillers on the bedside table that weren't there hours ago.

And sure enough, as I walk downstairs, I see Ms Czechia- Anežka, huh? It'll take me some time to learn how to say that properly- frying some eggs, the dogs all watching her closely. How did she have the energy to both get up early and make breakfast I don't know. But I'm surely not going to complain.

"Hey, Griselda, good morning!" she nods at me when she sees me on the stairs. "You do eat eggs, don't you?" she frowns slightly and takes one right out of the pan.

"Ja," I nod, rubbing my eyes. Maybe I should've stayed in bed, but on the other hand...

A plate with fried eggs lands before me, accompanied with some bread and a glass of juice.

"Dankeschön, Ms- Anežka," I try, also knowing she can speak german. She chuckles. "Close enough, girl. Snaha se cení."

I don't even ask for translation and eat the breakfast while Aster looks at me with her puppy dog eyes that I try not to look in with maximum effort, because then I'd give in.

She remaines making eggs and occastionally cuddling the dogs. She also has a weak spot for them, and that's how she and Uncle and Vati bond.

Speaking of which - they were all still sleeping, and remained so for hours to come. In the meantime, me and Ms Anežka went on a walk with the dogs, and she told me funny stories about Vati when he was young. She said he was such a nice, polite but shy child. And Uncle Prussia was- is such a proud big brother.

"Of course, Gilbert always protected Ludwig, but sometimes he might've been overdoing it a bit, you know," she told me. "Like that time Ludwig climbed up a tree and Gilbert went all mommy-like and tried to get him down, but he was too scared to climb down, so I climbed up and gave him... a little nudge," she smiles. "And then Gilbert yelled at me. That's what I get," she raises one eyebrow.

"Anyway," she looks on the watch on her wrist "do you think they're awake now?"

"Dunno. Maybe?" I guess. "What time is it?"


"I think someone is," I conclude. "But not Uncles." She giggles, nodding. "Gilbert will sleep til noon!"

And he does. When we get back, Papa and Vati are slowly waking, but Uncles are still out cold (is that what you say?).

Soon after dads are functional again, Ms Czechia says her goodbyes with us and leaves. She, too, has a meeting to prepare to, and can't stay with us too long. I watch as Papa takes her to the train station. I like her. I might start calling her 'auntie'. Maybe. We'll see.

As the day progresses, I slowly start packing my bags for the upcoming meeting. I carefully fold the costume and make sure I have a bag for the sweets Ashleigh promised.

When the Uncles finally wake up, it's three in the afternoon and Denmark should also be on his way, but it's clear he can't do so, hangover like this. So I call Andrias. I shortly explain what's up and he appears on our doorstep surprisingly quickly, gets Denmark ("you'll never change, huh?") and leaves.

"See you on the meeting, guys," he waves as he loads the hangover man in the government car.

"And don't forget your costumes!" he grins. 

"The spooky season is here!"


Snaha se cení - effort is appreciated

Anežka - Ah-ne-zh-kah

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now