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Sightseeing but not really because I've never been to NYC and I didn't want to mess up and offend people 

If I had to say one thing about New York, it's big. And full of life. A whole another universe you could travel through and then back because it's changed while you were gone.

But it's also big in not a good way. Like, if I got lost here, I have a feeling I'd never, ever find my way back. And I feel so tiny. Even more than usual, which says a lot. It's frustrating to be the very shortest of the whole squad. Mrs Hungary says I have nothing to worry about, because I'm still growing and Vati isn't the shortest, either, but it still sucks.

Sure, age does make a difference, but even Ingrid is a bit taller, Gabe's over half a head and Lars even more. Lars is like, the giant and people usually guess he's fourteen or fifteen, not twelve. Well, his dad is Denmark, so.... lucky bastard. In the height, of course. I'd never trade my dads!!! Never!!!

Yeah, how are Nordics so tall? That's no fair! The ultimate giant is Anni of course. George isn't short, either. Neither is Fred. Ashleigh is kind of, I guess, but still. I'm the youngest, shortest and most useless. But not the stupidest, heed my words!

Augh, my feet! We've been walking for almost two hours nonstop now, so that means 1) My poor short feet were getting tired and 2) it was about time for lunch... I don't know just how could Ash keep up with all the commenting and telling stories about the places what where happened and keep walking the speed she was walking in, but I do have my suspicions that it had something to do with her slurping Starbucks coffee on the way.

If the others were tired and/or hungry, they didn't show it. Gabe was trying to look uninterested, but actually sucking each piece of information in like a sponge. Ash was walking in the lead and Uncle Prussia in the back, with Gilbird trying to nestle in his hair. He gave up eventually and moved on to Fred, succesfully making some sort of nest on his head, since he has longer hair. Fred didn't even notice, until..

"Oi Freddy, that's some nice hairstyle you've got," said Sealand, smiling. We stopped at a small bench and I got to finally rest my feet.

Fred looked at him with confusion. "What the he-" he lifted his hand to the top of his head, but Gilbird was fast to move to the other side of his light-haired head, avoiding disclosure.

"What?" asked the Canadian at the knowing amused looks the others were sending him. "WHAT!"

The Brittany personification snapped a picture and shoved it in Fred's face. He went pale and then red (degree 4) at the span of 0.5 seconds.

"Huh," Uncle chimed in "he likes you. He really can sense awesomeness in people," he slapped Fred's back. He stammered a response and changed the subject.

"So, anyway, aren't you hungry? I sure am."

"Changing topic with Frederick Williams," Anni whispered. Ash choked on her coffee again. (One would think she'd learn, but nope.)

"Thank FUCK," Gabe agreed, "I've been dying of hunger since breakfast!"




"The awesome me needs some awesome fuel!" Did I mention I love my Uncles?

"I've got to feed the twins. Bror Nor would kill me if I didn't."

"...I still hate you."

"Aw, Ingy, you hurt me so," Faroe faked being stabbed in the heart.

"Drama queen," the Svalbardian muttered.

Ash looked between us.

"So food, huh?"

"Cousin, dearest, if you take us to McDonald's I'll literally shove my hunting knife down your throat."

Ash looked taken aback.

"Ooookaaay then. Well, we could always get like, pizza or something, but I do know a nice café, if you'd like, but it's not exactly near, or there's a-"

"No need," said a calming voice, like a stream running through the forest. Everyone turned to Anni.

"I packed some breakfast leftovers. Plus some food me and Dad made yesterday."

Sealand positively beamed. "YAY! Did you make pancakes? Did you??!?"

Anni smiled a little. "Of course, I couldn't disappoint my little brother, could I?"

"I LOVE YOU, BIG SISTER!" He threw himself at the tall girl, who awkwardly hugged back.

"Awee!" Faroe squealed and decided to join, yelling "GROUP HUG!" And soon we were all hugged together in one giant pile, with poor Anni in the middle.

Organising a group hug on the busy street was something only Faroe and Ash could manage, really.

When we broke apart, Ash smiled widely, typically American.

"Alrighty! A picnic! Nice! You're lucky I know a shortcut to Central park! Follow me!" She took the lead once again and the rest of us made a crowd, one after another so we wouldn't throng. I was in the back, but was not the last.

When I looked behind me I saw two albinos, the older man's arm around the boy's shoulders, relaxed, such peaceful and serene scene. And a little yellow bird flying around their heads. 



Also wouldn't it be a nice plot twist if Gilbird was female and laid eggs and everyone would be like "wtf???" and Prussia with Fred like "bitch we will raise those tiny birds like our own!"

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-Beilschmidtحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن