The days after were the type of days you just can't be productive even if you tried and wanted to. I don't know why, it just kind of clicked in my mind and I didn't even write. I mostly hid my food from Rosalin's reach. It was pretty peaceful, or, as peaceful as you can get with so many people and pets in one house.

Kuma is kept outside, but he's by far not alone. Aside from Canada, there are Greenland and Ingrid at almost all times with him. Dang, these two do love polar bears. Like a lot. A lot lot. The first time they realised Canada has one, they T-posed around him yelling "ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!" over and over. They even offered to sleep outside, but Norway was having NONE of that. These two always came with me and Fred when we walked Kuma so he wouldn't be cooped up in the garden. Luckily we didn't meet much people, and those few who we did meet were too food-numb to think seeing a polar bear wasn't a dream or an illusion. He's quite small for one, so they could easily think he's a weird dog.

Yeah, life is nice, I thought, looking at the fresh snow and Ingrid running around singing Into the Unknown in norwegian. Weird thing is, Lars actually prefers the inside to the outside. He spends most of his time drawing. And what beautiful drawings he makes! He's talented, but when I told him,he blushed and said he's not. Excuse me, I call bullshit.

Gabriel also likes to stay in the house, but that's to be expected, especially when he's a piggy momma now. Him and Uncle Spain organised a dance class yesterday. ...Yeah that didn't work out. America kept wiggling his butt even when he didn't need to, George, on he contrary, refused to, even when it was needed and his girlfriend nudged him, and Vati just stood there. Uncles Prussia and Canada were damn good at it, though, but only when people were not paying attention to them. Their biggest rivals were Sweden and Finland. I didn't know Sweden could dance like... that! I should watch more Eurovision, shouldn't I? Andrias and Greenland rocked too, but it was mostly Greenland carrying Andrias in various poses. Meanwhile, Anni and Fred stood in the corner, trying and failing to keep up with the music. It was sweet, the way they were having a private blushing competition. I was teaching Lars, he was okay-ish, but also got distracted way too easily, and his face was way too red. Gabi was showing the steps to Ingrid, who is -I hope she won't see this- the worst dancer I've ever seen. Poor Gabi, dragging her around and getting kicked in the crotch when he dipped her a bit. Norway cheered to that. Goddammit Norway. Did you specifically teach your daughter to kick any guy's other than her family crotch when they get too close? ...I bet he did. I bet money he did.

Well, the class didn't last long after that, and we went back to our pets, significant others and books and movies and food and stuff. Fred and Anni couldn't look each other in the eye for days. 

Gabriel, on the other hand, was clearly impressed by the kick, and talked to Ingrid for hours. Norway silently glared. Serves him right!

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now