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Days flew by, and before I could notice, september's slowly ending. School has been... well, educational (history teacher still hates me), but at least we have gym, music and art lessons. Thank god for them.

From what I've read on the chat, Ashleigh, George and Fred are more or less struggling too, but I guess that's a part of life.

The next meeting is in the end of october. Ashleigh says that's perfect. She plans for us all to go trick-and-treating. I don't know about that. But I guess I'll come too, because Gabe will go, because he heard sweets and he was sold. Fred says it's actually fun, so I hope it will be. I've never done it before. Basically, you have to dress up and go asking for sweets in your neighbourhood. We don't really do it here in.. well, Europe. So now the main topic is that, and organising things as if it's even a good idea. Ash says it is. I still don't know. Ash says she wants to have a matching outfit with George, George hopes for it to not be pink and/or too embarrasing, but you know Ashleigh. I bet it will be embarrasing as heck! >:) And I'm sure Uncle Spain will think of something original for Gabi... the others didn't really say what they're going to be dressed as, we agreed for it to be a surprise, so I hope I won't have the same idea as someone else. That would be pretty awkward too, right?

Ja, well, that's still over a month away. I'll have time to worry about that later. I know! I'll tell you about today!

Thank god it's friday. I can't wait for fridays and weekends, to spend more time with pets. Cuddled with them on the couch, to be exact. Squished between dads, to be precise. (George uses this.)

So today was a pretty average day. When I came back from school, Uncle Prussia was sleeping on the couch with Blackie. He's her favourite. And of course, with Gilbird. The little bird woke up when I entered the room, and flew over to me. He knows damn well I can reach the shelf with a glass of the seeds Uncle feeds him with. So I fed him and went to do homework. Luckily I didn't get much, only some math. I did some, but left some for Vati. It always makes him happy to be doing homeworks with me, so I'm always pretending I need his help.

Mitzi was, of course, sleeping on Vati's half of bed, but opened one eye when I came to pet her. She's a one content cat.

Some time later, Uncle Prussia awoke, and we talked ("that teacher is just too unawesome!") and then went to take the dogs on a walk. Mitzi won't bother going if it's as cold as it was today. Yep, summer is gone. See ya next year.

We strolled in the park and around the river, Aster always running in front of us, chasing Blackie, and Berlitz walking by our side. He's the oldest and he's gotten slower. I remember when I was taking my first steps he helped me. He's such a sweetheart, even though he looks intimidating. Kinda like Vati.

The leaves aren't falling much yet, but I bet they soon will. I like autumn, because of how colourful it is. About two years ago, we visited Canada and Fred showed me just how beautiful autumn can be. Yes, we were scolded for rolling around on the ground, but it was worth it. Plus, Uncle Canada is used to Fred loving nature, so he wasn't as angry as resigned. And I think I could commit murder and dads would still love me.



"Did Vati roll around on the ground when he was small, too?"

He laughs. "Oh hell no! Luddy was always the clean, behaved child. You and Fritzy are getting it from me apparently."

"Fritzy?" Who's that?

"Hm? Oh, Fred."

Fred... Fritzy...


Potato gnocchi changed Fred the Awesome's name to Fritzy

Fritzy: ...uhhh???

The Ash ninja: Dude XD

Potato gnocchi: ^u^ 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-Beilschmidtحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن