21 Gabriel reacts

18 1 41

Long and flashback-y. I tried a new formate, so let me know if you like it or not. 

And yes, I am aware the title sounds like a youtube channel. 

"My Vati sometimes calls me "liebling" or "Kätzchen", because I like cats."

Google translate, do your job....oooooooh. Soft bastardo!

"I like Fred a lot."


"When I'm in trouble, Papa will use my whole name. The moment he does, I just know. I messed up. Not that it happens that often, but still."

I just imagined Uncle Feliciano being actually mad and yelling "GRISELDA VARGAS-BEILSCHMIDT!" in that voice of his, trying to be all tough, and snorted too hard..

"Who's not so lucky is my cousin."


"Or- he doesen't say we're cousins, but I (and other people) think it's obvious. His name is -brace yourselves- Gabriel Antonio Fernandez-Carriedo (if he'd admitted we're related, he could've had a "Vargas" in there, too). His dad calls him just "Junior", though. And he hates it :)"

DID YOU JUST-! Fuck, Gris, really? I'm not pretending we're not related, I just think it makes more sense me having only this one fuckin surname, because Baleares belong under Spain. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to hide the resemblance or anything!

"Vati even smiled. I love it when he smiles, because he doesen't do it very often, (especially around others) so it feels really special. Long ago I swore a vow that I'll never break: to try and make Vati and really everyone I care for smile as much as I can. I'm on a mission."

Soft Germany is something weird and unknown to me, but this is precious. This is why Gris is my favourite (and also my only but y'know) cousin.

"My absolutely favouritest (is that a word?) winter memory is not Christmas, not New Year celebrations, but when Papa tried to snowboard."

Oh yes, I remember that one. *smirks evilly*

"And that's just a fraction of our funny/embarrasing family stories. Uncle Romano must have an archive now. He's the kind of person who remembers all the embarrasing stories you thought everyone forgot, but then you mess up one day and he's like "this reminds me of another time when you fucked up". Elephant memory, some may call it. I call it Romano memory. And the worst part is that I don't have any embarrasing stories about him. As I said, I need to ask Spain for some. He probably has TONS, but he's too kind to tell. I'm glad neither of my dads does that."

Hah, ACCURATE. Also, I did ask Mama for some, so he told me about Papa peeing his bed as a child so ;) we're even

"I wonder how does Gabriel deal with it, as he's living with Spain and he's basically their child."

*takes a deep-ass breath* Honey, you just get used to it...You have to get used to it..

"His hobbies include swimming, fishing, cursing, cooking, some more cursing, bartending and cursing a little more. I can only say: Like papa like son. Ay."

Haha, fuck you too.

"Also he secretly likes Jennifer Lopez. Don't tell him I told you."

YOU TOLD THEM WHAT?!?!?...time for me to get Mama's axe....I'm gonna gET LOUD

"The new year started off like any other day. With my cat Mitzi loudly requesting to be fed right next to my ear, as she does every. Single. Day. It has become my wake-up call by now."

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now