One thing I have to give them (America and Ashleigh): they celebrate real fancy. Their Christmas tree went nearly all the way from the floor to the ceiling of the room. Well, no wonder! It had to cover all of the presents!

But really, when we went down, still in our pyjamas, to come to see such a thing, and so many presents there, it did make me feel... magical. It couldn't have been just me, though, because Papa jumped on Vati, almost tackling him, and hugged him tight. Half-asleep Fred subconciously put his head on Uncle Prussia's arm while Gabi was cooing to Rosalin, and Ashleigh with George were cuddled so tightly you wouldn't know where one started and the other ended.

"WOOOAAAAAHH!" America yelled, pointing at the table, where an empty plate with some tiny crumbs of what used to be cookies lay. "Santa was here!!!" Ashleigh exclaimed excitedly. Woah! Christmas magic! Greenland chuckled lightly as Finland and Anni licked their lips clean inconspicuously.

I cuddled to Papa's side, and all of us it he room just stared for a while. Then Rosalin wiggled herself free from Gabi's arms and ran up to the presents. Light chuckles were heard throughout the room as Denmark pointed out "I think she's impatient and wants to open her presents now." Well. One more thing in common with Gabriel, who already got the best present of all. No, not love. A pet pig.

Okay so, America was too excited at this point, so when Denmark said so, he immedietally bolted under the tree and held out the first box he grabbed. Ashleigh jumped on him, then they were joined by Uncle Prussia, Denmark, Greenland, Anni... And from then on, it was anarchy, for everyone was trying to get to their presents and threw around the ones that weren't labeled with their name. Everyone in one pile, thrashing around, only Vati, Uncle Canada, Mr Sweden, Mr Norway and Mr Iceland didn't join. It came to an end when Ingrid yelled like a wild animal as she somehow climbed to the very top of the gigantic tree. Then America and Ashleigh looked at each other as they screeched "I WANNA KNOW, CAN YOU SHOOOOW ME???" and Fred banged on the kitchen table with a "I WANNA KNOW ABOUT THESE STRANGERS LIKE ME!!"

Meanwhile, Mr Norway went crazy and yelled at Ingrid to get the fuck down before you'll hurt yourself, how did you even get up there?!! Iceland looks disappointed but not surprised while Lars is happily opening his present, unconcerned about the safety of his twin, who was now chilling on the top of the tree like nothing was happening. Vati glances at Mr Norway and he shrugs. "Gets this from his father, I swear," Mr Norway explains. Yeah, talking about him, Denmark was trying to convince his daughter to jump in his arms. "Nah," was Ingrid's reply. Damn, she really is wild. Or just inherited both her dads' bad characteristics.

Whatever it is, we got her down after 20 minutes after England almost called the police to get her down, Lars opened his presents and Norway freaked out some more (cold? Emotionless? You just haven't seen him flip). In the end, Greenland bribed her with candy and cookies. ("I would've totally fought the police!" "I know you would.") Then Norway didn't let go of her for the next 30 minutes, until she had to pee.

Meanwhile, Anni diligently (thanks for the new word, Fred!) handed out the presents to everyone, made little piles of it. So of course we spent another 20 minutes determining who has the most presents. This is why nothing gets done in America, people!

Okay, so when America, Uncle Prussia, Uncle Romano and Denmark finally stopped arguing, some people had already opened all their presents and Gabriel had already stuffed both his legs, arms and Rosalin into a heating shoe. Fucking hell, Gabe!

Anyway, I got:

new pyjamas with a cloud pattern (woah! Just what I needed!)a tiny vest for Mitzi (I do hope she'll wear it)some food (f yeeeaaaaaahhh!)blue non-permanent hairdye (ooookkkkkk...)a pair of wooden socks with tiny mooses on it (awe!)books...a flower charm ^^headphones with cat ears (Ash: "They reminded me of you")a stuffed bird way too similar to Gilbirdand together with Gabi a new football ball!oh, and also together with my family a calendar made by Ashleigh with the pictures of the 'derpiest' faces of various nations she took when they weren't looking... and it's hilarious xD poor France panicked upon seeing his picture in it

So, yeah! Quite a successful year. If it wasn't for Greenland dumping a plate of ice cubes on Denmark's head...


I've had the worst case of author's block during the last month or so, so I'm sorry I haven't updated this a lot... we still have few more chapters to go. Thanks for your patience! 

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now