Chapter 6

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Shanice POV 


"So that's what happened?" Vickie asked. I just explained what went down in class and why I skipped out on meeting up with her. "I don't know if Dee would say anything like that to her. He's not my most favorite person but he doesn't seem like the type to go around saying that. Even if his actions don't say it he'd rather everyone knows he loves you than saying you two are together for convenience sake."

"Mhm," I muttered eating my ice cream.

"She probably came to that conclusion herself. You know how that sad ass hoe is."


"I'm just going to say that I believe you two need to break up. He doesn't have respect for you or the relationship. You say you're sick of looking stupid behind him and yet you won't do what needs to be done. Leave that hurt alone."

"I try," I sighed. "Whenever I'm pushed to the edge, it's like he flips a switch. He becomes the Dee I remember. Even if it's just for a little while, he's the idiot I fell in love with. There are times where he doesn't cheat. Where he doesn't make me feel stupid for loving him. And when he gets like that, it's hard for me to let go I guess."

"Hard or not you need to. That's not him changing Shani. That's him making sure you don't leave. I know you're clinging to the hope that he would change but I have my doubts and rightfully so. He's not going to change because you allow him to be the way that he is. You allow him too much room to hurt you and now he has nothing holding him back."

I sighed and looked away. I didn't want to hear that it was my fault for everything. Even when I know it is. If I had just put my foot down in the beginning things wouldn't have gotten so bad. I always told myself I wouldn't be those girls who'd accept just anything from their significant other. Cheating was at the top of my list of things I'd never accept from a guy. Things sure have changed a lot since then. 

"Look, I'm not trying to guilt trip you or make you think it's your fault. It isn't. But you need to accept responsibility over YOUR life and YOUR happiness. I know they say love is one of hell of a drug but you need to get off that shit ASAP."

I scuffed. "Right."

"Enough about that sad sap shit. Let's go out tonight. Just me and you. We've hardly done anything together."

"I don't know," I said. "I'm not really in the partying mood as of right now."

"Come on Shani," she whined. "We never do anything anymore. And a party is exactly what you need to get out of this funk."

"Being surrounded by a bunch of dicks who know more about my relationship than I do is not what I need."

"Who said we were partying on campus? There's a party at this club like an hour away so you can bet your ass we won't see many if any of these stupid ass kids there. Shani, you need to loosen up sometimes. Stress is a real killer."

I thought about it for a while. I haven't been to a party since my freshman year of college. I had been more focused on school and this drama I've been dealing with to even think of a party. Plus, I didn't want to run the risk of my fist flying into everyone's face who even looked at me wrong. 

But maybe this is what I need. A night away from all the bullshit. A small window of times where I'm not agonizing over something small and petty. A chance to leave all the bull shit home. All I do is work, study, and go to class on top of dealing with drama and bullshit. I think a party is long overdue. 

"Alright," I said. "We can go."

"Yes!" She hopped up dancing making me laugh. "Girl we're about to get lit!" I smiled, actually feeling excited about tonight. Maybe this is what I needed. Time away from my thoughts. 

Since this chapter is kind of short I may or may not have another update for you all later on today. Can't promise anything though. But in the meantime tell me your thoughts. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. 

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