Chapter 38

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Shanice POV


"I promise you guys," I told Mae's parents. "I'm okay. I'm not on a breathing machine anymore and the baby is doing very well. They just want to monitor me some more."

"Okay baby if you say so," Mrs. Hughes said. "I just wish you all would've said something before. We come from vacation just to find everything's gone to hell. I still can't believe you girls aren't talking."

"Yeah," I muttered. Things have gotten crazy the past few days. Thanks to me my relationship with Mae is almost nonexistent. I take full responsibility since I allowed my emotions and hormones to do all the talking.

For a long time I always felt like second best to people. When Royal started caring for me I finally felt like someone was putting me first. Seeing how he was always in such a rush to leave for Miami I figured it had to have been more than just business. I guess hearing Mae say it out loud that it was for someone else made it all too real and I didn't want to believe it. I blamed her when she was doing what she thought was best. Now I feel like total shit for doing that to her.

And the thing with Jada and I had me just as confused as everyone else. She came here shortly after Mae left and saw Dee and continued being her shady self. It was annoying and I was already upset so I asked her to cut it out. We got into it and she refused to visit me while Dee was here and since he's always here she never does. So yeah, all of our friendships are in scrambles right now.

"Baby?" I looked up at Mrs. Hughes who sported a small smile. "I know things have been hard and confusing ever since your grandmother passed but remember what she left behind. A strong beautiful girl. Don't let her teachings go out the window."

"Yes ma'am," I mumbled feeling the tears building up. I really have changed ever since my grandmother passed. I used to be no shit taking Shani. Now I'm just stressed and depressed. I have to find my way back to the person I was. The person my grandmother raised. I really thought I'd be strong enough for anything that was tossed my way but I broke. I stumbled and fell off the path. Now that I know that, I can only hope to do and be better.

"You can call us anytime Shani," Mr. Hughes said. "You're as much of a daughter to us as Mae. Don't forget that."

"I won't. Thank you guys. Really." There was a short knock on the door before someone peaked their head inside. It was Royal. I was surprised and a bit nervous to see him. 

"I think that's our cue to leave," Mrs. Hughes said. "We'll come back and see you tomorrow okay Shani?"

"Okay. See you guys." Mrs. Hughes said something briefly to Royal before her and Mr. Hughes left. There was an uncomfortable silence between Royal and me. "Hey?" I said trying to break the silence. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked. 

"Okay. My breathing has gotten a lot better. I still wear the oxygen mask at night as a precaution but it's not as bad."

"That's good," he said walking towards the bed. "I heard about what happened. Dee caught me up on the gist and Mae gave me some more details so I have a pretty good idea about what went down."

"Oh yeah?" I mumbled looking away from him. He probably thinks I'm stupid and selfish. "I'm-"

"I'm sorry," he said.

"What?" I looked at him confused. "Why are you sorry?"

"Isn't it obvious? For ditching you after promising to be here for the surgery. I should've just told you the truth. I didn't think I would cause this big of a riff between everyone. I was being selfish."

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