Chapter 7

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Shanice POV 


"Work it girl," I laughed as Vickie came stunting into the room doing a runway model walk. She was wearing a white off the shoulder sweater dress. It stopped a little above mid-thigh with a belt wrapped around her waist. 

"I know I'm sexy," she said posing making me laugh. "You're cute too babe."

"Thanks," I smiled looking down at the dress I had on. It was a black and pink sequins dress with spaghetti straps. Nothing too extravagant. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah let me get my clutch and we can go." She disappeared into her room for a moment before returning. We walked down the stairs and to my car. "Girl why don't I ever see you driving your car?"

"Because parking is fucking ridiculous here. If I'm paying an arm and a liver for parking you bet your ass I'm going to use the space as much as possible."

"You're weird," she chuckled. "Alright lets go and have fun. Which I know is going to happen because with all the parties going down on campus there's a less likely that anybody would go so far out the way."

"And why are we going all the way out of the way for a club?"

"Because I have connections and we can bypass the line. That and so we don't run into Dee's hoe ass. Let's go girl!" She yelled with much enthusiasm. I shook my head and chuckled before pulling off. We were dancing and singing to songs the entire way there. It was refreshing. Relaxing. And I hadn't even got to the club yet. I guess just getting away from that environment was enough to make me feel a bit better. 

We finally made it after almost forty minutes of driving and parked a little ways away from the place. That way we wouldn't have much to worry about when leaving and someone possibly messing up my car. We walked up the sidewalk and straight to the front of the line. Vickie was right when she said she had the hook up. The bouncer didn't even bat an eye when he saw us. He stepped aside and let us through while all the other bitches talked shit. 

"Bitch how'd you do that?" I laughed as we walked into the pulsing building. 

"My brother runs this place," she yelled as we came into the room and became deaf to the music. We went to the bar where the bar tender immediately gave us a bunch of drinks. Free of charge of course. Vickie is a complete nerd but she's also a party girl. I wonder if this is where she goes to do most of her partying since a lot of people seem to know her. "Shots bitch!" She yelled as we were given about five shots each. 

"Calm down," I laughed. We both down our shots one by one. It burned slightly but that's all. We stood around the bar laughing and drinking before going to the dance floor. I had a slight buzz but that's all. Vickie looked like she wanted to get wasted. Some guys came up and tried dancing with us. Vickie is very much committed so she politely steps away from dude. 

"I'm going to get another drink," she yelled. 

"Alright." I was going to follow her when the guy who tried dancing with me grabbed my wrist. "What the hell? Get off of me!"

"Awe come on babe. That wasn't even a real dance." He was slurring badly so I knew he was drunk as hell. 

"Get the hell off!" He was yanked back and pulled me along with him. I almost face planted into the floor but someone caught me. I looked at the person who caught me and felt my face grow hot. 

"She said she isn't interested." Even though the music was blasting and he spoke in a low tone I could still hear him. I guess it was because we were so close together. He lifted his shirt up slightly revealing the gun he had tucked away in his waistband. "Keep it moving."

"S-Sorry man. I didn't mean-" Security came up and dragged the man out. 

"You alright?" I looked up at the person who saved me and looked away nervously. 

"Y-Yeah," I spoke in a small voice. Why the hell am I so nervous? It's not like we're strangers or anything. 

"Come up to VIP. It's loud as hell down here." He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me along. I followed him to the guarded stairs where we were granted instant access. We then we went down this hall where no one was and the music began getting very quiet. "My bad for dragging you all the way up here. I remembered I left my phone."

"It's okay," I said hugging myself. He opened the door to an office and stepped aside to let me in. "So what are you doing here Royal? You and Dee having a meeting of some sort?" If Dee's here then I need to dip and fast. I came here to avoid the bastard. 

"No," he said going to the desk. "Dee doesn't know I'm here. I think he's on campus somewhere. I came here to check on my club."

"Your club? But my friend said her brother runs the place?"

"You're probably talking about Lawrence. He handles the business aspect of everything but I own it. This is where we turn Dee's money clean. He doesn't often come here so I make it my business to check on things. I thought you would've known where Dee was. You two are still inseparable aren't you?"

"More like incompatible," I mumbled. 


"Huh?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "We're...going through a rough patch so we're not really on speaking terms."

"Yeah? I asked Dee about you a couple times and he always says things are good. Not that I'm surprised he lied."

"You asked about me?" 

"Yeah." He picked up what I'm assuming is his phone. "Whenever Mae finds out I'm coming up here she makes me promise to look in on you. She worries constantly about you guys going to school out of state. I think she thinks you can't make friends."

"Lovely," I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and walked over. "But you can tell her I'm fine and the only friends I need are her and Jada and Vickie. I don't have the energy for more than that."

"Will do," he chuckled closing the door behind us. "Don't take this the wrong way but you look...kind of worn down. You sure everything's alright?"

"Yeah," I said looking away. Why can't I ever look him in the eye and lie? Does he really make me that nervous?

"You're a terrible liar," he chuckled as we came back into the viewing area. I went to the railing to see if I could see Vickie. Just like I thought the dumb bitch was drinking at the bar. "Shani." Since the music was much louder now that we were in the open he had to step really close to me and bend down to my ear. Basically all in my personal space. 

"Hm?" I tried not making it obvious how much his closeness was getting me jittery. 

"Take care of yourself." When I turned to face him he was already leaving. With him gone I felt I could breathe again. I don't know why I always got so tense around him but I do. Nobody intimidates me the way Royal does. It's not that I'm scared of him or anything. It's something else entirely and I have no idea what it could be.

"God damn it," I cursed under my breath when I saw Vickie climbing up on the bar and started dancing. I left this hoe alone for five minutes and she's already white boy wasted. Well. Looks like this night just came to an end. It was fun while it lasted. As I was making my way down the stairs I could have sworn I saw Sandra on the other side of the club. I brushed it off considering I'm sure she'd be at a party on campus with one of her many men and she wouldn't have been able to get in here if she did come all the way out here. 

I'm so tired y'all! I wrote this as soon as I got off this morning so if there's any errors that's why. If I'm up to it I may update again. Thinking of doing multiple updates a day to try and finish up both stories quickly. Tell me what you think. 

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