Chapter 27

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Shanice POV 


"Royal!" I yelled. 

"What?" He yelled back. 

"I'm hungry!"

"Shani," he came into the living room and looked at me crazy. "You're two feet from the kitchen."

"But I'm comfortable," I whined. "And you're up so-"

He sucked his teeth. "Spoiled ass." 

"Thank you," I cheesed. I was currently on his very comfortable living room couch. I claimed the long part of the sectional as my area. It's the best spot in this whole house. I've been living with Royal for a couple months now and it's been better than I expected. 

At first it was really awkward for me. I've never said more than a few words to him and all of a sudden I was living in his house. The first few weeks I found myself walking on egg shells. Not really knowing what to do, how to act, what to say. But I eventually got comfortable around him. He's become a very much needed friend in my life. I've always thought that he was just this super serious guy but if you catch him on a good day he's actually pretty silly. 

"Really?" I pouted when he gave me plain old salad and a bottle of water. Royal has been something of a helicopter parent. He watches my diet like a hawk. Saying I need to eat healthier for the baby. "This is not what I wanted," I mumbled playing with the food. 

"It's what you're going to eat though. Stop complaining and eat."

"Bossy. At least give me some ranch and blue cheese. And bring me some pickles. And yogurt."

"What the hell Shani?" He looked at me crazy. "Didn't I say watch what you eat?"

"I am. They're all healthy shit aren't they?" I smirked as he shook his head and went back to the kitchen to get my requested items. He constantly complains about me being spoiled but it's mostly his fault. He does just about everything for me and makes sure I'm taken care of. What did he expect would come out of it? "So how long are you going to be gone?"

"Few days, maybe a week," he said bringing the rest of my food to me. "You sure you don't need me to stay?"

"I said it's fine," I grabbed the pickle and dipped it into the yogurt. "Vickie is going to be here so no need to worry."

"Yeah. Easier said than done. You and Vickie together is like a travesty waiting to happen."

"Don't talk shit when I'm not around," Vickie said walking into the room with her suitcase. 

"Vickie!" I cheered. 

"How the hell did you get in my house?" Royal looked at her crazy. 

"We let her in," Jada said with Shayla in hand and Mae right behind her. 

"Savion!" Mae ran to hug him. 

"Here you go," he mumbled hugging her. "And you bringing that loud mouth little girl knowing Shani's sick."

"I'm not sick," I rolled my eyes. "And don't talk about my Shay bear. Come to aunty baby."

"I should tell Shaq to beat your ass for talking about my baby," Jada said.

"I'll just shoot him," Royal shrugged before walking away. "Something should be coming for you tomorrow Shani so be on the look out."

"Seriously," I straight faced him. "Didn't I tell you to stop buying me shit?"

"You did. I didn't listen." He went upstairs to get his bag I guess. 

"Girl what is he buying you?" Vickie's nosy ass asked. 

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