Chapter 20

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Dee POV 


"Yeah alright pops," I said a bit irritated. What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation from school turned sour quickly. My old man wasted no time in drilling into me the moment I walked through the door about what a fuck up I was for not taking his advice seriously. And my sister was mad at me for messing things up with Shani so she wasn't fucking with me at all. 

"Who the hell are you getting smart with boy?" My dad glared at me. "That's your damn problem right there. So damn quick to lose your fucking temper and be dismissive when someone is telling you some real shit. You already lost Shani because of that shit. You're going to lose a lot more if you don't fix your shit."

"Don't talk to him like that," my mom said. Although her and my dad aren't together they try to come together for the holidays for the sake of us, mainly my little sister. She normally only stays for a few hours and then returns home to her other family though. "It's not his fault she gave up on the relationship. Good relationships take patience and forgiveness. Not that you could understand any of that."

"Jessica don't you have a HUSBAND to annoy? Stop condoning his damn idiotic ways."

"I'm gonna go see what's up with Tre and them," I said leaving before the fighting really starts. This was a normal thing for them so I always try to remove myself from the situation before it becomes one. The ride wasn't long so I got to Tre's place quickly. This would be the first time they hosted so everyone's in attendance except Royal who's out of town for some business and the Hughes who are traveling. I swear those two stay on a cruise ship or plane or whatever. Royal spoils the hell out of his parents for real. "What's up y'all?" I walked in. 

"Hey Uncle Dee," Chas said walking by with her iPad in hand. "Bye Uncle Dee."

"Well damn, I don't get a hug or nothing?"

"Nah bruh," she said going upstairs. I chuckled and walked into the living room where Tre and Shaq was. 

"Cel," Tre said holding the bridge of his nose. "Care to explain why you threw the turkey out the backdoor?"

"He looked like he wanted to go outside with the rest of his friends."

"And why did you throw him out in MY jacket?"

"Kind of against the law to be out naked in public dad." I snickered behind them. Cel is still as bad as ever. 

"I'm not even going to deal with this," he walked away. "Mae! Get your son!"

"No dad," he whined. "Momma gets scary when she's mad."

"The hell happened now?" Mae fussed coming down the stairs. "You lucky I had to come down here and finish cook-where the hell is my turkey?!" 

"Gotta blast!" Cel rushed out without haste. Shit was so funny. 

"Some things never change," Shaq shook his head. "What's up Dee?"

"Hey man," I chuckled dapping him up. "Cel is still Cel I see."

"Nigga gets worse every day seems like."

"I bet. What's up Tre?" He looked at me and looked away without a single word. "You alright?"

"Don't talk to me," he said walking away. "I'm trying not to beat your ass right now Dee."

"What the fuck did I do?" I scrunched my face up in confusion. I just walked through the door. How the hell did I get in trouble already? I followed him to his office with Shaq right behind me. "You're gonna tell me what I did or continue acting like some female?"

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