Chapter 31

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Royal POV 


"Got damn this bitch is hot," Harris complained. He was joining me on my business trip to Miami so he can familiarize himself a little with more boss shit since he'll likely take over for Dee. Dee still has a year of school to go but who knows how long he'll continue trapping? So I'm just preparing for it. "So are the women. Hey shawty!"

"Ghetto ass," I mumbled walking away. 

"So what we doing here partner?" He caught up to me as we made it to the car. 

"I'm about to meet with some people about a business plan."

"Oh word? Iight bet. But why Miami? Not like you can actually be here for it."

I was about to say something when my phone started ringing. It was Shani probably wondering if I had landed yet and updating me on what happened. I know her stubborn ass probably went to the courthouse knowing how stressful them shit's are. "Yo?"

"Don't be mad," she said right away. "But I went with Tre and them."

"I knew your stubborn ass would. What happened?"

"Well uh...Tre won." I figured. One thing Tre does not play about is his kids. Bad ass little fuckers. "But his mother didn't take it lightly and uh...shot at us."

"The fuck you mean she shot at you?" I growled. 

"It didn't hit us! Dee blocked it and she was arrested immediately. We're all okay."

"I'm giving your ass a damn body guard," I mumbled.

"No man," she whined. "We're okay-"

"Because of Dee. If he wasn't there y'all wouldn't be." She huffed knowing I was right. "How is the little nigga? Didn't hurt himself too bad did he?"

"No. He got shot in the shoulder and Tre and Shaq took him to the hospital." She was quiet for a beat. 


"And uh, they kind of brought him here?"

"Oh yeah?" I asked looking at the time. I figured they would sooner or later. If not them I would. I never planned to keep him away the entire time. If I did I wouldn't have been updating him on Shani the past few months. "What happened?"

"We talked. He apologized and asked to kind of be involved but I'm not sure."

"Why not?"

"Well what he did is still in my mind and I don't trust him. Plus this baby can be Grant's and I don't want anyone getting attached without knowing first. After the guys left the girls and I talked about it and we're all kind of on different sides of what to do."

"At the end of the day it's YOUR decision Shani. Fuck what anyone else think. It's your life and your baby. Regardlessof what happened in the past you two have to be able to come together for thewelfare of the child. You don't have to be together to raise a child together.If you think he's ready to be involved then go for it. But remember your healthand the health of the baby comes first. You and Dee should save any stressfulsituations and conversations for later. Part of being an adult is making adult decisions."

She sighed. "I knew you wouldn't give me a straight answer."

"I never do. Just do what you think is right. Like I said it's your life. Nobody is in your shoes and nobody has to live with what you have to."

"You're right. Thanks for the advice Royal. Me and Vickie are about to watch movies so I'll let you go."

"Royal!" I heard in the background. "Can I have your Maserati?!" 

"Nah but you can have a bullet if you touch my car Vickie," I said before hanging up. That girl reminds me so much of Mae it's scary. The last thing I need is another spoiled ass person in my life. 

"Baby mama cool?" Harris asked. 

"Yeah. Her and her friend are about to watch movies so she should be straight."

"So what is your plan? I know you said what you said to Dee to kind of scare him into acting right but why? Don't you like Shani?" I shrugged. Not really knowing how to answer that. "Yeah you like her. More than you want to admit. I just don't understand why you're willing to let Dee have her again. I mean, we're cool and all, but he did that girl all types of dirty. He made her a laughing stock for even dealing with him."

"I know," I said. 

"Then why?"

"Just a feeling," I said. "Me challenging him was the best way to get him to be serious for once in his life because that seems to be the only time he ever takes his actions seriously. Dee sees me as a threat and as long as he sees that I think he'll make a real effort."

"I don't know man. Like you said, he's toxic as hell for her."

"Doesn't mean I'm any better."

"So now you ain't good enough for her?"

"Basically," I shrugged. "Just because I like her doesn't mean we should end up together. I mean if we do then that's cool but I know they still got mad love for each other and they need to figure themselves out first. They have unfinished business and that needs to be taken care of before anybody tries moving on."

"Yeah okay nigga. So this business you're starting, does that mean what I think it means?"

"Yup," I said. 

"Do they know?"

"Nah," I said as we pulled up to our destination. "I'm not trying to stress anyone out or be asked a million questions."

"I mean you are planning on moving my nigga. Your people needs to know."

"They will. Just not yet. They're going to question why I want to move all the way out here and I can't answer them. It's just something I feel is right and I have to do it. Until I know for sure what it is and that Shani's no longer such a high risk then I'll keep it to myself."

"I don't know man. This is a big decision. Something your family should know a lot sooner."

I guess he's right but there's no guarantee this move is permanent. Like I said before I can't stay in one place for too long and may end up moving back. I don't know yet but I can tell Miami is my next destination. I don't know why I'm stuck on it but I'm sure time will tell. 

And here's the next update. Up sooner than I thought. You all may be blessed with another update tomorrow since I'm not updating any other books but we'll see. Hope you enjoy. 

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