Chapter 26

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Royal POV 


When I got back to the hospital Shani ended up crying herself to sleep. I think that's what she really needed at that point. She got hit with a bombshell of information and I'm sure she's more overwhelmed than she tries to let on. I would be too if I was told all it takes is a little stress and I could kick the bucket. I have to admit, she really is strong. Even when she had every right to cry she chose to swallow the feeling in fear it'll stress her out. 

I picked up my phone and called Tre, knowing Mae was probably busy with her own set of exams. "What's up?" he answered.

"Hey I need you to do me a favor. When you get the chance let everyone know Shani's in the hospital."

"Why is she in the hospital? Is everything okay?"

"Define okay," I muttered. "I went to see her about some business and she ended passing out. Good news is she was just dehydrated but they ran tests and found out she's got some serious medical issues going on. I'm not going into details because she'll tell y'all when we come back down there. But it's pretty bad. She has to withdraw from school."

"Damn that sounds bad. I guess we'll get the guest room set up-"

"Nah it's cool. She's going to stay with me. Doctor said she needs to stay in a sort stress free environment an no offense but what you're going through right now isn't what she needs."

"Nah I get it. I'll let Mae know when she gets home from her exam. We'll see y'all later."

"Iight." With Shani moving in that means I'll probably have to stay put for a while. I'm always on the move so I'm barely at my own home. Now that I've decided to take responsibility over her and her condition I guess that has to come to an end. Even though I've got my family ties I've never been able to really settle down. I feel out of place wherever I go so I typically find the need to leave. Even if it's just for a little while. 

My phone started ringing in my hand. I glanced at the number and recognized it was Dee calling. I got up out of my chair and went outside to take the call. I was expecting him to call sooner or later.

"What's up?" I answered. 

"Royal, look man, I know we've never really been on the best of terms but I need your help," he said. "I got this weird message from Shani and it's got me going crazy. I think something bad is going to happen and I need to find her. You're a hacker right? Can you hack into cameras and computers and shit to find her?"

"I could," I said. "But there's no need. She's fine. She's resting right now."

"She's with you?" He sounded relieved but I knew he was still on edge. "Where are y'all? I need to see her and make sure she's okay."

"That's not a good idea Dee. Just leave her alone-"

"Leave her alone? The fuck do you mean leave her alone? She's carrying my child, I have the right to see her and make sure they're alright. I don't have time to go through the same hoops with you like I did with Vickie. She told me Shani was sick and I need to check on her."

I sighed in irritation. Why can't this idiot get it? "What the fuck is wrong with you Dee? Why the fuck are you being so damn selfish?"

"How the-"

"Shut it," I gritted. "Vickie told you right? I'm sure she told you the cause of her being here right?" He didn't say anything. "Seriously man, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you fucking listen when people talk to you?"

"I'm not trying to hear a lecture-"

"Well you damn sure need one. Shani is a high risk pregnancy. Not only is the baby's life is on the line but hers too. Do you not fucking care?"

"I do-"

"Then why can't you leave her the fuck alone so she can rest up?! Why do you have to keep pushing her to the fucking edge?! You're nothing but a big ass toxic cloud of stress for her and you don't give a damn. You're still pushing knowing the fucking consequences. And for what reason Dee?"

"You don't understand shit Royal. You only know logic not emotions."

"And you do?" I chuckled. "Answer this for me Dee, what is love? Do you have the answer yet?" I can tell that question threw him off guard. The phone was quiet for an exceptionally long time. "You can't even answer my question and yet you expect to show it to her? How can you show love to someone when you don't know what it means to you?"

"I...I don't know."

"I suggest you figure it out Dee. I'm taking Shani away from this. All of it. You should use that time to make a real change. I don't doubt that somewhere in that fucked up head and heart you really do care for Shani. I just have to question how much and is it really love that's holding you hostage towards her. I may not know it myself but I'm sure love doesn't mean constantly cheating on your spouse and causing them all that pain. You have nine months to get your shit together and to answer my question or all bets are off. I'll take Shani and you bet your ass I won't give her back."

 I hung up shortly after. I'm not so sure this would work but I have to try. I know Dee viewed me as a threat to him and Shani for whatever reason so if I issued him a challenge maybe he'll take things more seriously. I believe Dee does have genuine care for Shani, I just don't know if the love he claims to feel is as genuine. I just hope he doesn't fuck this up like he did when she first started talking to Grant when they were in high school. Then there would really be no hope for him. 

Sorry for not updating yesterday guys! I became an Uber driver last night and got high high 😂🤤. I really wish I could say whether we're almost finished or not 😪 but sadly I haven't even finished the outline yet 🤦‍♀️. I'm going to hurry up with that since Trappers 3 is almost finished and I need to put up this other book for you guys.

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