Chapter 40

886 46 10

3 months later





Shanice POV


"Let's go Shani," I felt someone shake me.

"Go away," I mumbled trying to go back to sleep.

"Girl come on. Today's the day!" I cracked open an eye and saw Vickie looking all in my face.

"Move girl," I mushed her face out of my way. I turned over and she helped me up.

"Time for my nephew to be born," she danced around.

"Whatever," I mumbled shuffling to the bathroom. One thing I love about Royal's room is the bathroom and that's because he has this huge tub for baths. Speaking of the devil, he started calling me. "Hello?"

"My nephew born yet?"

"Damn can I wake up first? It's not even time for the procedure."

"You were eight centimeters dilated the last time so I expected them to move it up. Snappy."

"Very. Y'all know I'm cranky in the morning. We'll call you after surgery and send pictures but do NOT post anything until I do got it?"

"I don't post shit anyways." I hung up and got in the shower. I had to be quick though since I'm big and do not move as fast as I would like. Due to much surprise I actually made it to nine full months of pregnancy. I think it's because of the lack of moving most of my pregnancy. If that's possible.

Today was the day that I'd get my C-section. I was nervous but also excited to finally meet my boy. I'm so over this pregnancy and really need him out of me right now. After my shower I got out slowly. "Dee!" I called. "Come dry me off!"

"Keep playing with me Shani," he muttered walking into the room. I smirked at him. For weeks now I've been pushing his buttons and making him dry me off and helping me dress just for the hell of it. He calls it cruel torture and I call it payback. After drying me off, and copping a feel here and there, he and Vickie helped me lotion up and get dressed.

"Dominic is coming. Dominic is coming," Vickie sang while skipping off to the car.

"Everyone else is going to meet us there a little later," Dee said guiding me to the car. I held my stomach the entire ride to the hospital. I couldn't believe that just in a few short hours I would be able to hold him for real. My little Domi will be here soon. We pulled up to the hospital and Vickie was the one to go get a wheelchair for me.

"You ready Miss Holmes?" The nurse smiled at me sweetly as they rolled me into the hospital.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I sighed nervously.

"Don't worry. It'll be over before you know it. All we're going to do is give some medicine to take away the feeling from your stomach down. Only one person is allowed in the room during this time."

"Okay," I nodded. Vickie hugged me and gave us the thumbs up before heading to the waiting room. They prepped us and gave me the shot which sucked like hell. I was then rolled off into surgery. I held Dee's hand the entire time.

"That's a lot of blood," Dee said staring at them as they worked.

"Shut up," I whined. "What's it look like?"

"Really dude?" he straight faced me.

"Okay don't tell me. It's just going to make me nervous."

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