Chapter 11

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Royal: Swing by the trap 

I read the text I got from Royal just a few moments ago. I was in my coding class when he sent it. I had plans of doing some studying but I guess I can spare some time. Royal often shows up unannounced to the trap. It's something I'm used to and I'm never nervous when he does drop by. Like I said I take this job seriously. 

It may not be my forever plan but it is something that allows me to come to school in the first place. So as long as I do this I'll make sure I do it right. "Aye Dee, you wanna ball with us?" Dexter, a dude I'm close with on campus, asked. 

"Nah man. Gotta clock in. Y'all be easy though." I headed to my car and left campus. My mind wandered to Shani like it always does. I miss her but I promised her space. Although it doesn't stop me from trying to reach her. I just want to make sure she's okay. It's been almost two weeks since our argument in my apartment and so far it's been the longest time we stopped talking. Shani's stubborn ass could probably go an entire month without talk to me if I allow it. Normally she cracks sooner than this. 

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I pulled up to the trap. I went inside and saw Royal overseeing a shipment that came in. "What's up young blood?" We showed each other love. 

"Doing my thing is all. What are you doing out here?"

"Came to check on something I had going on," he said. Royal doesn't ever really go into details about any other business he's dealing with out here. I guess I can't blame him considering we're not close at all. We just make some good money together. "I've been here for a while now actually. Just not at the trap."

"Really? You should've hit me up. I would've let you stayed at my place."

"Yeah well, didn't want to bother you and Shani."

"She's at her place more often than none so it's no biggie." 

"How is she by the way? Doing any better?"

"Better?" I immediately put my guard up. "What do you mean?"

"I ran into her at the club a few days back and she looked tired. I asked about it but Shani being who she is didn't say anything. I assumed you would know being with her and all."

"Oh right! Yeah she's been stressing about some of her classes that's all. And mid-terms will show up faster than you'd expect so she might be stressing about that too. She's always super worried about her grades."

"Yeah? Well I hope she takes some time off to unwind. Stress can lead to a lot of medical problems. Don't want anything happening to her."

"Right. So you're here-" My phone started going off like crazy. I pulled it out and saw it was a string of notifications. I have to remember to turn this shit off. It's annoying as hell when people start tagging me in shit. I opened the app and saw it was a picture that Sandra put up. "What the?" 

"What's up?" I felt this hot flare shoot up in my chest as I gripped the phone tightly in my hand. I glared at the screen as I read the caption. 

_PrettyS_ When you stop being dumb and cheat back 😂 I see you sis $Money_Man$ Looks like you're out 

It was a picture of Shani at the cafe with some goofy ass nigga smiling all in his face. So her ass was out with some other nigga. And got me out here looking stupid. "Royal I'll be back," I said leaving and heading straight for campus. I was so mad I couldn't think straight. All I wanted to do was beat somebody's ass. I want to know who the fuck this guy is and who the hell does he think he is moving in on my damn girl. 

I got to campus and rushed to the cafe where Shani and dude still were. They were sitting at a table by the window not giving a damn that they're seen by everybody. Knowing we're a fucking couple. I went over and snatched her ass out of the damn seat. "What the hell?" she said damn near falling over as I dragged her out. "Dee?! What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm trying not to beat your fucking ass Shani. Let's go."

"Aye man you need to chill with that," dude said getting up.

"And you need to back the fuck up. This doesn't have shit to do with you. Stay the fuck away from my girl."

"Dee get the fuck off of me!" She tried pulling away but I had a tight grip on her wrist. "Stop Dee! You're crushing my fucking wrist!"

"You're lucky I don't fuck you the hell up in front of all these damn people!" I yelled while loosening my grip. "You got me fucked up Shani. I leave your ass alone for a few days to get your fucking mind together and this is what you do? You're fucking funny."

"On god Dee I'm going to knock the fuck out of you! Let me go!" I did as she was pulling on me and made her fall on the ground. 

"You out here being a fucking hoe now huh Shani? So I was the fuck right about you?"

"Fuck you Dee! How the fuck are you just going to drag me out like that?!"

"Because you out here acting like a fucking dumb ass bitch bruh. You're out here entertaining other niggas knowing damn well who you belong to. You think I'm a fucking joke or some shit Shani?! Huh?!"

"You're a big fucking hypocrite Dee!" She yelled. "I've been loyal to your stupid ass for three years and for what?! To look like a fucking idiot?! You've fucked and continue to fuck the whole fucking campus and I get called all types of bitches for having lunch with a damn friend!"

"The only fucking friends you got at this damn school is me and Vickie so I know that ain't no fucking friend of yours. You out here lying like I'm fucking stupid and I'm not. You out here in public with this nigga like the shit fucking cool. Any girl I fucked was when we were on breaks and you know that shit. And whatever happened behind closed doors because I respect your ass not to be in these bitches face in public."

"The shit is all over the internet Dee! Ain't shit private about what you do. You're on every fucking girl's Instagram, Snapchat everything! And what fucking break did we go on Dee? Please fucking tell me."

"I can't control what those bitches do. If I catch it before they post it I make them delete everything. You can ask them! Every fucking week we're on a damn break Shani. You act like you don't want to talk to a nigga."

"Because you're always cheating on me!" Her chest moved up and down fast. My anger diminished as I started worrying about her asthma. 

"Shani where's your pump?" 

"Fuck you," she gasped pulling it out. She breathed in the medicine quickly trying to get her breathing under control. She looked around at the crowd that formed around us. A tear fell out of her eyes before she looked at me. "You always do this. You always make me feel stupid in front of everybody."

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. "Shani I-"

"I can't do this anymore," she said as more tears rolled down her face. "I can't take this shit. I'm done. I'm just so fucking done. With this school, these people, the drama, you. I'm done with it."

"Shani will you fucking listen?!"

"I'm done fucking listening! It's over Dee. Do whatever the fuck you want just leave me out of it. Period." She turned and walked away leaving me standing here feeling kind of lost. Did I...Did I just lose Shani?

Another update! Hope you like it!

Royal's new character in mm 🤤🤤🤤

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