Chapter 17

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Shanice POV


"This looks like fun," I smiled as we got out of the car. Grant decided to go to one of the clubs that were hosting a Halloween party. It was about forty minutes to an hour away from campus and it's many Halloween related activities. There's literally a million parties and a couple of scary houses within five miles of our campus so there's no way anybody would travel as far as we did for fun.

"I guess that depends on your definition of fun."

"If you didn't want to come why did you come up with the idea in the first place?"

"Because," he said getting in line. "You seemed to have been under a lot of stress and I know most people like going out to clubs or whatever."

"Well thanks," I chuckled. "But next time, don't feel the need to put yourself out there. There are plenty of other things we could've done that'll work for both of our tastes."

"Doubt it. Since you're so lame."

"Whatever jerk," I laughed as we were let inside. The music was loud like any normal club. Almost everyone was in costume aside from a few bystanders. "Let's get some drinks!"


It was fun to say the least. Grant loosened up a bit and we enjoyed the drinks and music. He completely sucked at dancing. He was stiff and only knew dances that died with the last people to ever use them but he was cute and geeky. He was always so shy in school that it's hard to imagine him like this back then.

"I have to go to the restroom," I told him as we walked back towards the bar. I turned to find it and could've sworn I saw somebody that looked familiar. I couldn't tell who it was though.

"I don't think you want to use the public restroom of a club," he said. "Let's go grab something to eat and you can use the restroom there."

"Okay." We both left and headed to a McDonald's down the street. He ordered the food and I went to the restroom. When I returned we had everything and he was sitting in a booth. "Thanks," I smiled. "I have to say I actually enjoyed myself. Despite your lack of rhythm."

"Oh shut it," he chuckled. "I guess not all black people can dance huh?"

"You sure did prove that tonight," I bit into my sandwich. "Guess you don't need dance moves in medical school huh?"

"Guess not," he scuffed. "Will be too busy cutting open skulls and hearts and what not."

"Ewe I'm eating," I stale faced him making him laugh. "I can't imagine being a doctor."

"Why not? You get to save lives. I think it's honorable."

"Yeah well, I've been watching this show and seeing the metaphorical inner workings of a hospital isn't pleasant. Most doctors end up more worried about their reputation or the money rather than helping and those who do want to genuinely help are punished for it. And not just that, I can't handle the pressure of literally holding the life of one person in my hand. Too much weight."

"First off, what TV show are you talking about?"

"There's two but the one I was mostly referring too was The Resident. It's about these young doctors going through the residency period at this hospital and the main guy is probably the best one so far. He genuinely believes in helping people but because he doesn't want to follow the rules of only the 'elite' get fair treatment he's often swat down time and time again. While the chief of the hospital gets all the cred and puts the life of his patients at risk because he's too proud to admit he's getting older and have a shaking problem. There's also an African woman who's actually the best surgeon and he often takes credit for her work and she's only a resident."

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