Chapter 13

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Dee POV 


"Fuck," I muttered staring at the screen. What Shani said kept playing over and over again like a fucking record man. I can't believe I let my anger get this bad. I bruised her. I fucking bruised her wrist. No matter how mad I get I've never and I mean never put my hands on her let alone any other female. That's not who I am. So why? Why the fuck did I do that to her of all people?

My mind wandered to the way she said things were over. I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. No matter what we go through we always ended up back together. Shani's always getting mad and saying we're done but she never meant it. I knew she was speaking out of anger those times. But this...this time was different. She wasn't yelling, screaming or crying. She just said it like it was nothing. Like it meant nothing. 

Knowing she more than likely blocked this number I decided to try another burner phone. I spend more money on my burner phones than my actual one all the time so I normally have a few on deck. "We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again." 

"She changed her number?" I muttered. Now I'm very much worried. Shani never and I mean NEVER has she changed her number. She's always just blocked, ignored, or put the phone on do not disturb. "Aye," I motioned to Ron.

"What's up?"

"Let me see your phone." He handed it to me and I dialed her number again. Same message. So I went to social media knowing I would be blocked but not Ron. He's barely active on his accounts so I doubt she's noticed I have him follow her. But as I keep looking her up I can't find her page anywhere. 

"You alright?"

"She...she deleted them. All of them."

"All of what?"

"Her accounts. And she changed her number. What the fuck man?"

"Well do you blame her? You have to admit what you were doing was foul as fuck."

"Man I don't want to hear it." I gave him his phone and called the one person who could tell me what's going on. "Vickie-?"

"You got some balls," she said. "Why the fuck are you calling me? How the hell did you even get my number?"

"Man don't worry about all that. Where's Shani? I need to talk to her-"

"What?" she said. "I know you did not just say that. To me of all people. You're fucking hilarious Dee."

"Man I'm serious can you give her the phone or something. Everything was a misunderstanding-"

"You've been constantly cheating on her for three years and you call that a misunderstanding?!" She yelled. "Do you even understand what the fuck you've been doing to her? You never respected her or the fucking relationship from the jump."

"Man you don't know what the fuck you're talking about just give her the phone. Please!"

"No. Not now or ever. Shani said she's done and fed up with you. You've broken that girl's entire spirit. Do you even realize she's not the same person she used to be anymore? Do you not see the fucking depression she carries with her everywhere she goes? Do you know she cries every night because of you? She can barely show her face anywhere without being ridiculed. She's taking blow after blow and it's all your fault! She can't even enjoy her life like she wants to. Can't you see that?" I was quiet at first. Not really knowing how to answer. She sighed, kind of like she was disappointed. "Of course you didn't see it. Any of it. Maybe you did and you just didn't care. Did you even truly love her?"

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