Chapter 29

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Shanice POV 


After much time and trouble we finally were all ready to go to the courthouse. They were finally ready to put the matter of Tre's mother to rest today. Royal didn't want me to go saying the last thing I need is to go to a stressful environment like a court case. But since it's concerning my friends and niece and nephew of course I was going to go despite him. 

"Look," Vickie whispered as we shuffled into the court room. "It's Dee."

"Well yeah," I whispered back. "Tre's his friend too."

"Don't get smart bitch." I chuckled and sat next to her. I wasn't the least bit surprised to see Dee standing near Tre. We do have the same circle of friends after all. I was a bit anxious to be around him though. I don't really know how to act. He glanced this way and back before doing a double take. I smiled weakly and waved. I had no idea what else to do. 

"Settle down," the cop said. "Court will begin shortly." We all took our seats. The guys sat directly behind Tre who was at the table with his lawyer while us girls sat back behind them. I felt Mae grip my hand nervously. I was finally able to see Tre's mom. She looked a lot like him with salt and pepper hair. She was really thin looking. "All rise, the honorable judge Dakota Matthews is presiding."

"You may be seated," the judge says. She looked through some notes before continuing. "We're gathered here today for the matter of custody over the children Marcel Gadsden and Chasity Gadsden. We're going to start off with the plaintiff, Ms. Greenwood."

Her lawyer stood up. "Your honor my client had a hard life dealing with drug use and battling depression after her late husband's incarceration and later death. At the time she couldn't take care of herself let alone three young children. But she has since gotten clean and wants a better life. To be the mother her children deserve."

"The fuck that crackhead bitch tryna say?" Mae muttered making me giggle. 

"And Mr. Gadsden I understand you have your reservations on this correct?"

"Yes," Tre said. "I've raised those two like they were my own from the time they were both born. I'm all they know and need. No sob story is going to change my mind."

"We would like to go ahead and call Ms. Greenwood to the stand," his lawyer said. Tre's mother walked to the stand and was sworn into oath. "Ms. Greenwood, I see you've decided to take back your maiden name is that right?"

"Y-Yes. I didn't see the point of keeping my married name if I'm widowed."

"I see. My condolences by the way. I just want to ask you a few questions. How long were you on drugs for?"

"It's hard to say. Problem arose after my husband's incarceration so about ten years?"

"So when my client was in his teens correct? Before the now ten year old Marcel?"

"Before, during and after," she said quietly. "I know what I did was wrong-"

"How would you describe yourself when you were using drugs?"

"I don't know. I wasn't the best person to be around. I guess I sucked the life out of my family until I left."

"That's it? You don't recall what you did? Leaving your young son in an alleyway almost all night while you went to get a fix? Selling him for drugs?"

"Objection," her lawyer said. "He's badgering the witness with matters that have no factual evidence behind it."

"So police reports are no longer factual evidence?"

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