Chapter 30

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Dee POV 


"You alright soldier?" Shaq patted my injured shoulder.

"Ah shit!" I hissed yanking away from him. "Damn Mighty Man you trying to take my shoulder with you? I mean shit." He laughed as I glared at him. "I was fine until your big ass touched me."

"Ooh sensitive," he chuckled. 

"I just want to say thanks man," Tre said. "For saving Mae and Shani's life. I knew my mother was crazy I just didn't think she was that crazy. Now she really fucked up her chances at being in Cel and Chas's life."

"It's no biggy man. Mae's like my best friend."

"Don't let Jada hear that. She'll likely square up with you," Shaq laughed. 

"Right," I chuckled. "I think she forgets Mae was MY friend first but it's cool. So are they alright? I know they're shaken up from what happened."

"Yeah they're cool." He stopped for a second. "I know we made a promise but I think it's only right to tell you. Shani's  been staying at Royal's place to reduce her stress levels. That's where the girls are now."

"Really? What made you change your mind on keeping it from me?"

"Well you're my friend despite your idiotic tendencies. And at the end of the day the baby is still possibly yours and you two need to talk and get on the same page. You two will have to eventually come together. I don't think you're toxic for her anymore. Maybe you two can finally have a sit down as adults and have a reasonable conversation."

"You sure? I mean Royal said-"

"Royal ain't nobody's daddy either."

"Not yet," Shaq coughed. 

"You're petty," Tre laughed while I rolled my eyes. 

"Can y'all take me to her already? I want to make sure she's okay."

"Alright pushy," Shaq said leading the way out. 

Shanice POV 


"Well that was crazy," Vickie said sitting in the living room. "Y'all lives are lit though low key."

"Getting shot at is not lit Vickie," I shook my head. Such a sheltered child. "I know Dee is in the game but I never really imagined getting shot at. Even if it wasn't meant for me."

"Mae you must have a knack for people shooting at you," Jada said. "First that crazy bitch Angel and now Tre's crazy ass mother."

"You described them perfectly. They're bat shit crazy. I didn't do shit to them hoes."

"Whoa Mae," I laughed. "It's okay."

"Is it? Because I don't think so," she huffed. "I have to remember to thank Dee though. I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for him."

"Right. Them drug business reflexes were on point," Vickie said. 

"Yeah," I said. "Did you hear back from the guys yet?"

"Shani he's fine," Mae said. "It was his shoulder that's all. Stop worrying."

"I can't help it," I sighed. "I know I shouldn't care, especially after all the shit he's done to me but I can't just not care about the guy." I know I should hate him and not give a rat's ass but I can't help that a part of me still cares for him a little. I know that makes me stupid but I can't help it. "Does that make me dumb?"

"Yes," Jada said. 

"Jada," Mae hissed. 

"What? Dee obviously doesn't care about you the same way considering he constantly cheated on you. That boy doesn't love you Shani and you need to move on."

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