Chapter 23

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Shanice POV 


I groaned a little as my eyes slowly peeled open. My headache was gone finally and I felt a million times better. The tightening in my chest also settled a bit. I'm sure it's because of the oxygen mask on my face giving my some much needed air. I looked around a bit and saw I was attached to an IV drip. The last thing I remember was walking to the cafe with Vickie and suddenly getting dizzy. 

The door to my room opened and I was a bit surprised to see Royal walking in. "Royal what are you-"

"I came on campus looking for you," he said pulling up a seat. "You passed out before I could talk to you and brought you here. Doctors say they think you were dehydrated but they're running more tests to see."

"Oh," I said, relieved it wasn't something too serious. "That's good."

"Yeah. And your friend was telling me how you were locked in your room for a week studying. Did you eat properly? Sleep? Rested at all?"

"No," I mumbled. 

He shook his head. "You need to relax some Shani. What you did was unhealthy and caused you to get sick."

"I was worried about my grades. I slacked off a lot in the beginning and was worried about the end result of that. I didn't mean to make myself sick."

"I know. But your health comes first. Take better care of yourself Shani."

"I will," I said. 

"Bitch," Vickie came in glaring at me. "Make me choke your ass out okay?! I was worried sick over you."

"Sorry Vickie."

"I told you over studying wasn't going to do anything but make things worse for you. You need a proper study, rest, and eating regimen."

"I know I know," I sighed. "Royal was just telling me that."

"Good. By the way Royal, I got this out of your car. Looked important." She handed him a folder of some kind. "I wanted to be nosy but I figured it might've had something to do with something I had no business knowing so I decided to wait until you tell me yourself."

He chuckled. "Yeah this is for Shani actually."

"Me? For-"

"It's so good to see you up Miss Holmes," the doctor said coming in. "I know you all are anxious about all the other tests we had to run but we've finally got the final results. I wish we could say things were simple but it's not." That had me a bit worried. "Firstly, are you comfortable with sharing your results in front of others? Or would you feel more at ease if I talk with you alone?"

"It's fine," I said. "So what is it? What did you find?"

"Well, for one, you're pregnant." 

"What?" We all said at once. This is a joke right? This can't be true. There's no way I'm pregnant. 

"About four or five weeks or so." Damn. That was the last time I had sex too. What's worse is the fact it's either Grant or Dee's baby. And I hadn't told anyone I slept with both of them. Oh my god. What the hell did I get myself into? "So I'm assuming you didn't know. Congratulations!"

"Girl why didn't you tell me you slept with Grant?" Vickie asked. "Was it bad?" I couldn't even speak right now I was so in shock. 

"That's not all," the doctor said. "This is where things get complicated. As we were monitoring you we noticed some irregularities in your breathing and heart rate. It took us a while because we had to accommodate for the little one you are currently carrying. Did you know about your breathing and heart rate first of all?"

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