Chapter 33

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Shanice POV


"Are you comfortable miss?" the nurse asked.

"Yes," I mumbled nibbling on the crackers. It's been a few months and I'm in my second trimester. Which is by far much harder than my first. Before I could eat anything and now I can barely stomach half the things I eat. Not too mention my asthma has just gotten worse. I have to have a breathing machine in order to sleep and have been officially put on bed rest.

My hormones have also been all over the place. One minute I'm sitting there and the next I could be balling my eyes out because I can't find the remote. It's annoying and frustrating. I also hate how things have been changing around here. Now that Royal is thinking of setting up a business in Miami he's been away more than usual. It's to the point he hired a live-in nurse to take care of me. I mean yeah I have my friends who visit but I hate being here without him. It's so damn quiet with the nurse. She only talks to me when she thinks I need something.

I have to say one good thing is that me and Dee's relationship improved. He's been thoroughly involved with the baby and constantly checks up on me. It's almost like we're friends again. Almost. He'll fly out here almost every weekend just to hang around and talk to the baby. I fear he's getting too attached to the baby but I'm also in awe at how much he obviously cares. But honestly I think that's the only positive thing going on right now.

"Come on Shani," Royal said coming into the room. One of the rare times he's home. "We've got to go or you'll be late."

I sucked my teeth. "I'll get up when I feel like it."

He sighed. "Look, do you want to find out the gender of the baby or not? I'm not about to keep fighting with you." I ignored him and continued eating my crackers. "Fuck it." He walked out and slammed the door.

"Damn it," I wiped the tears that began to fall. Stupid hormones man! I slowly made my way to the end of the bed and struggled to get my shoes. The tears kept flowing because I couldn't reach over my belly. Damn I'm so fat now.

"Quit crying," Royal mumbled coming into the room and helping me.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"It's alright. I know it's ya hormones. And you're scared to hear from both doctors today." He helped me up and walked me out the room. "We'll be back," he told the nurse.

"Okay. Do you need me to prepare anything?" I felt myself get annoyed. It's obvious this nurse has some kind of crush on Royal and it's annoying as hell. When it's just us she's never so helpful. But when he is here she's overbearing and it pisses me off.

"Nah we're straight." I snatched away from him and walked to his truck. "The fuck is your problem now Shani?"

"Nothing," I said opening the door. He slammed it shut and walked to another car. I held in the tears and followed him. He hates driving his truck with me in it since it's so high up. He looked at me emotionless as he helped me into something smaller. I looked out the window the entire drive.

"I'm not a mind reader Shani," he said. "If you don't like her tell me and I'll find someone else."

I bit my bottom lip and continued looking out the window. "It's fine," is all I said. I'm disappointed he didn't say what I wanted. I didn't want a new nurse. I wanted HIM. I want HIM to be there for me. I wanted HIM to be around more. I wanted it to be like how it was in the beginning. When he actually cared about me.

We didn't talk the entire ride. Royal was too busy ok his phone to even give me a sideways glance. We showed up to the doctors office and he signed us in. "Let me know when they call your name. I got to take a call right quick," he said looking upset.

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