Chapter 21

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Shanice POV 


"Let's go out," Jada whined. "I finally got Shaq ass to watch the kids."

"Really Jada?" Mae laughed. 

"Yes girl. Shani is leaving us tomorrow. We need to turn up tonight."

"I don't wanna go to a club," Mae whined. "And you know how Tre gets when I go without him."

"You spoil that nigga," she scrunched her face up at Mae. I laughed at them. 

"Let's just go to the bar and get some drinks," I suggested. "I'm not in the mood for a club either. Especially with my flight being tomorrow."

"Y'all are so lame," she whined. "Okay let's go. I'll beat that bitch up another time."

"Wait what?" I laughed.

"Nothing," she sang skipping out of the room. Jada is always trying to fight somebody. We all dressed up cute and went to a bar not too far from Mae and Tre's place. 

The place was relaxing and nice. Even though I spent all week with these two I was happy to go out with them. They were my best friends and I was going to miss them a lot. There weren;t many times where I could let go the way that I would like. 

As the night progressed I found myself drinking a little too much not that I cared. I was letting go and liberating myself. "The same too bitches who didn't want to go out in the first place are drunk as shit," Jada complained. 

"I'm not drunk bitch," Mae said. 

"I am," I laughed stumbling over my feet. "Damn feet stop tripping."

"I can't deal with y'all. I'm calling the men."

"No," Mae whined. "Tre be mad."

"Oh well. Shouldn't have gotten drunk hoe."

"Stupid bitch," Mae mumbled stumbling away. 

"Where the hell are you going?! Mae!" I stayed near the bar to get more drinks while those two played around.

"Ooh I love this song," I said singing the words. I was getting into it when someone grabbed my arm. I gasped in shock. "Whoa there don't scare me."

"Shani why the hell are you drunk?" the person asked. 

"Because I drank too much," I shrugged drinking my drink. They took it out of my hand making me pout. "Why?!!!"

"Because it's time to go."

"I don't wanna," I whined trying to fight to stay but they were too strong. "Wait who are you?" My vision was blurry as hell so I couldn't tell anything. I looked at their arm and noticed they were kind of buff. "Royal is that you?"

"Yeah," they said shortly. "Jada called us."

"And you came? Thank you," I hugged his arm. "Funny, whenever you're close to me I get this funny fuzzy feeling. I guess I don't feel it because I'm drunk. Drunk as fuck."

"A fuzzy feeling huh?" He helped me in the car. 

"Yeah. Does that mean I like you? I mean you are fine as hell and you seem to care about me a lot. But I think I like Grant now so I can't like you right?"

"I don't know." Royal got into his side of the car. 

"If I did like you and not Grant could we date? You won't break my heart like Dee did right?"

"I don't know," he said. I sighed and leaned my head on the window and going to sleep. I could've sworn I heard him say something but I was too tired to pay attention.


"God my head hurts," I groaned sitting up. I couldn't remember shit after we got to the bar. I must've drunk too damn much. The cover slipped and I noticed I was naked at the top. "What the hell?" I looked under the cover and couldn't believe I had NO clothes on. What the hell happened last night?! The door opened and I quickly covered myself. 

"So you're up?" My eye widened at the person. 

"We didn't," I mumbled.

"We did," he smirked at me. "I thought you were over me."

"Leave me alone Dee," I wrapped the cover around me and walked pass him. 

"The hell with what you said last night Shani. I know you still love me," he said as I walked into the bathroom. 

I sighed and dropped my head into my hands. What the fuck did I do?

Sorry for the short update. Hope you enjoyed though. 

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