Chapter 25

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Dee POV 


Damn that exam was brutal as hell. I made sure that exam was something I spent a lot of time studying for. It was the kind of exam where the study guide was a structure guide rather than a basic answer sheet. So you'd basically have to review everything a certain way and different ways to understand it.

I took my phone out of my back pocket and tried cutting it on. "Damn battery is dead," I mumbled. I wasn't really in the mood to go to the apartment by myself so I headed to the cafe to get something to eat and charge my phone. I noticed the 'subtle' glances people gave me but it was pretty normal. I was a popular guy on campus after all. People are always watching me so I didn't think anything of it. I sat in a corner somewhere and set my phone on the charger. I pulled out my laptop and decided to get some studying done. 

"Did you hear?" someone was whispering. "She fell or whatever in front of the cafe and some guy carried her off."

"Wow dramatic much?" another person snickered. "She's been real busy ever since the breakup huh? Do you know who the guy was?"

"No one does. He just showed up and disappeared. I heard he was fine too."

I shook my head. You'd think once you're in college people would grow out of spreading rumors and gossiping all the time. I don't even think most of these people care about their education as much as they should. I let my phone charge up some as I reviewed some things. After an hour I turned my phone on and saw I had a missed call from an unknown number and a voicemail. I debated on whether or not I should listen. I gave it some thought as I went to get some food and decided to see if it was something important. 

"Hey Dee," I was surprised to hear Shani's voice. And it sounded like she wanted to cry. "This isn't going to take long you see. I've already said what I needed to say to you about how I felt. Regardless of everything I still care about you and would never cause you any pain. I guess the feeling wasn't mutual. I'm at a point in my life where I can't deal with anymore bullshit. I'm tired. I'm depressed. I...want to go where my granny is. I want to go. I want to escape this pain but I can't." Her voice started breaking. "My only hope is to heal it so my baby survives."

"Baby?" I mumbled. Shani's pregnant?

"I don't know if you're the father and a part of me wishes you weren't at all. After all the pain, I don't think I have anymore room for love. I wish you the best Dee."

I stood stuck for a moment letting everything process. Shani is pregnant. And she's not sure who the father is. So...she had sex with someone else? Grant? When the hell was this? Something clicked in my brain and I rushed out. "Damn it Shani," I mumbled calling her phone. My call wouldn't go through. Did she block me again? What the fuck man?

Shani often struggled with depression since high school when her grandmother died. Her grandmother was the only family Shani had. Most people knew her as a shit talker and someone who's not easily bothered when that was her best defense mechanism. She made a promise to be strong and it pained her to be so weak sometimes. It took a lot for her to open up to us. 

After the tenth try calling her number I called Vickie who's nine times out of ten with her or know where she is. "What?" she answered. 

"Vickie, it's Dee and-"

"No shit it's you. The hell do you want Dee?"

I sighed, getting pissed. "Where's Shani?"


"Man I don't have time for your shit! Where the fuck is Shani man? She left this message and I think she's about to do some harm to herself."

"Oh you care?" she said sarcastically.

"Stop fucking playing!" I yelled. She hung up fueling my rage even more. I dialed her number over and over until she picked up again.

"Stop blowing up my phone like you're my fucking nigga bitch!" She spat.

"Bi-Female," I said trying to keep myself together. "You're supposed to be Shani's fucking friend. Aren't you worried about her at all?"

"Of course I'm fucking worried about her. That's why I'm not telling you shit! I can't fucking stand you Dee! You did this to her! You knew she struggled with depression and yet you still hurt her. She told me everything. You promised to protect her and look what the fuck you did! You broke her! Broke her to her fucking core. She will never be the same because of you. What you did was ten times worse than anything Grant did and that's because you KNEW better."

"Grant?" I said. "What the fuck that little pussy nigga did? I'll kill his ass if he hurt Shani."

"Do you even listen?" She yelled. "YOU hurt Shani! YOU broke her! Don't worry about shit he did. Worry about what the fuck YOU did.  Grant will get his best believe that. And don't even worry about Shani because where she's going your bullshit won't touch her. I don't think you have the right to know after all you are the cause of everything."

"What the fuck are you talking about Vickie?"

"Shani can die." I felt my entire body freeze up. "She has a sever heart obstruction that can cause heart failure. She's high risk and needs to be in a stress free environment. She's withdrawing out of school to get some much needed rest."

"Where? I'm the baby's father and have a right-"

"You're a POSSIBILITY. How do you think her heart got so bad? Dealing with your stressful bullshit. If you care about her Dee then leave her alone. She's not even projected to live through labor."

"She's...she's that bad?" I mumbled sitting on a bench. Shani...she could die?

"Yes. Take this time to reflect on some things and leave her alone until she feels better. You won't do anything but cause unnecessary stress and put her and the baby's life in danger." She hung up and I sat there stunned. 

My mind went to the first and last time I met Shani's grandmother. It was during the period where Mae was kidnapped by her crazy ass parents. It wasn't planned. I was taking Shani home from school and she got a call from the hospital. She made me take her there and proceeded to tell me to leave but I couldn't. 

Her grandmother also dealt with heart complications. Apparently, her heart had began failing and the hospital called Shani in letting her know she may not make it. I held her the entire time she cried. But her grandmother pulled through and we were able to see her. She was a sweet old woman who was actually pretty funny. She made me promise to watch over Shani when it was time. 

'I know it seems like she doesn't need anybody but everyone needs someone. The strongest soldiers are often the loneliest and in some of the darkest spots in life. I need you to be the light for her.'

"I can't believe I forgot that," I mumbled putting my head in my hands. I was supposed to bring light to her life. Be her life. And all I did was add to her darkness. What the fuck is wrong with me? I stressed her out so much. How can I make things better man?

Sorry for the very late update you guys. Busy past couple of days. Hope you enjoyed though. 

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