Chapter 10

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Shanice POV


I peaked my head out of the building looking around. The coast seemed clear. I quickly rushed off before I could be stopped. My efforts to avoid Dee have been successful so far. Leaving class early helps a bunch and most of my professors don't even take roll so I can skate by some classes and just doing the work online. It's also helpful knowing his schedule just as well as mine so I know how much time I have to spare.

I know I'm being childish ducking and dodging Dee instead of talking to him but I'm honestly fed up with talking. He never understands my side. He never takes me seriously and he always ends getting me to fall for him. It's like the minute I fell in love with him I caught his dumb ass nature like a cold or something. I know the smart thing to do is to let it all go. Just accept things are shit and move on. That's what the smart Shani says.

But dumb ass Shani doesn't want to give up on the people she cares about. She wants to try and make things work and prove that nothing is too difficult. The naive little girl wants to prove that love is enough and we can move pass this.

Right now I don't know what's the right choice. Give up and move on or stay and fight. I'm at war with myself and I'm afraid to make the wrong move. The problem isn't just that I love the idiot. The problem is he's deeply rooted inside of my life. In more ways that I'm comfortable to admit.

I was so deep in my thoughts I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into someone. "Sorry," I said quickly moving around them.

"Hey it's you!" The person pulled me back to them. "It's nice to see you again." I looked at them crazy. He was tall and really cute. He looked to be pretty slim and wore glasses. Taking a good look at him he seems familiar somehow.

"Do I know you?" That came off like i had an attitude when I didn't mean it. All that thinking have me a headache so now all I want is to lay down.

"I'm the Uber that took you home those times."

"Oh. I guess you're picking up somebody?"

"Nope. I go here. Just transferred. I do the Uber thing as a little side job."

"Oh. Okay. Nice seeing you I guess."

"I guess you really don't remember me."

"Uh," I squinted my eyes at him. "I do. You're the Uber driver-"



"Yeah. We went to school together Shanice. Remember?"

My eyes widened as I realized he's THAT Grant. I didn't expect I'd ever see him again. Let alone here at my school. If memory serves correctly he wanted to be a doctor and went to school to study medicine. "Wow Grant it's's been a while. You changed so much I hardly recognized you."

"Yeah. You haven't changed much though. I recognized you off the first encounter."

"Really?" I felt embarrassed that he saw me both times.

"Yeah. You look like you're in a rush so I don't want to hold you up or anything. I'm just glad I got a chance to run into you again. I wasn't able to say what I wanted the first few times we saw each other. Maybe we can catch up sometime and catch up."

"Really?" He wants to catch up? With me? Why?

"Yeah. It's always intimidating being somewhere new. Especially without any familiar faces. I guess I lucked out and ran into an old friend huh?"

"Right," I chuckled nervously. My phone went off telling me someone was calling. I looked at the screen and saw it was Vickie. "Excuse me for a second." I stepped away to answer it. "Hey Vick I was just-"

Her Scorned HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora