Chapter 14

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Shanice POV 


I groaned at the sound of my phone ringing. I still didn't feel up to it to deal with anybody but it's been ringing nonstop for the past hour. I knew it wasn't Vickie since it's the weekend and she can just barge in if she wants and. And since I have a new number it's impossible for Dee to be calling me. Unless someone gave it to him after I specifically said not to. I don't think any of my friends would do that though.

I reached over and grabbed the phone. I looked at the screen and saw it was Mae. I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering I basically disappeared on her. This past weekend all I did was lay around, sleep, mope, cry, whatever. I stayed confined to this room getting up only to shower and be forced to eat by Vickie. "Hello?" I finally answered. 

"It's good to know you're the fuck alive hoe," Jada said. "Had us worried sick about you. It would've been easier had you not completely disappeared after everything. You could've told us what's been going on before you ghost out on everybody. Seriously Shani? You deleted everything?"

"I had to," I mumbled. "And I'm sorry for just disappearing. I needed time to myself."

"We understand that," Mae said. "But you should've answered a text or two. We were terrified something bad happened."

"I'm fine. Just kind of going through the motions right now. Sorry I had y'all so worried."

"Are you up for talking about it?" Jada asked. "It's better to get things off your chest than letting it sit there."

"Yeah," I muttered. "Mae already said you saw some of the posts so I'm sure you can guess what's been going on. Dee's's been happening for two years now."

"What the fuck?" 

"Yeah. And no matter what I always end up taking him back. Everyone on campus knew and I've been the butt of everyone's jokes. This one girl he can't seem to leave alone causes the most static and tags me in pictures of her and Dee. As of late, it's been getting too much. I let it go on for far to long. It got worse before I knew it. I let it go too many times. We've had our break up spats a hundred times already but I'm seriously over it now. I'm just...tired of being miserable."

"I'm so sorry you went through this alone," Mae said. 

"We wanted to talk to you a lot sooner but the guys told us not to get involved until you came to us," Jada said. "Do you know how hard it was to smile in Dee's face when in reality all I wanted to do was break it?"

I chuckled. "How do you think I feel? I'm sorry I didn't tell you all sooner. I was just...I was afraid you'd think I was stupid too."

"Oh you were retarded," Jada said. 

"Jada!" Mae fussed. 

"I'm just being honest," she said. "You were stupid to continue after everything you two been through. But it seems now you finally let that hurt go. I've told you before I didn't think you and Dee needed to be together simply because you loved him. You two simply weren't ready for each other."

"You and Vickie both," I mumbled looking up at the ceiling. 

"So what's your plan now?" Mae asked. 

"I don't know," I sighed. "We have classes on opposite ends of the campus so it's not like I have to actually see him. Knowing Dee he might come looking for me regardless."

"I don't know," Mae said. "Savion said they talked and he feels like Dee may have understood what he did wrong. He thinks Dee may have learned something from it all."

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