Chapter 34

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Maelynn POV 


Shani may have fooled everyone else into thinking that what was bothering her was the surgery but I knew better. Considering how tense things have been between her and my brother I knew there was something else. He walked in and didn't say a word to anybody. Just walked off to his room. I was worried so I snuck off to check on him. 

Just as I came to the door and was about to knock I heard muffle talking. It was open just a little so I could hear what he was talking about. "Listen, I don't think I'll be able to make it back out there again. My friend's surgery just got scheduled for Friday so I won't be able to-" I peaked my head in and saw him sitting on his bed with his phone to his ear. His back was to me though. "Man chill! This surgery is important to her and-it's not like that!" He sighed and rubbed his temple. "Yeah well, I'm sorry iight? Just something I gotta do." He hung up the phone and sighed. "Some things just aren't meant to be huh?"

"Don't believe that," I said coming up to him making him jump.

"Damn Mae," he said mugging me. "Don't do that shit. Scared the hell out of me."

"Whatever," I said taking a seat next to him. "Who is she?"

"Who's who?" he said playing dumb. I rolled my eyes. 

"You know who I'm talking about dummy. I heard your conversation. And don't lie and say it's business either. I've had similar conversations with Tre and I know what's business talk. I've listened to enough of his phone calls to tell the difference."

"You listen in on his phone calls?" he chuckled. "Nosy ass."

"And?" He chuckled. "Come on tell me," I whined. "I'm your favorite sister. You have to tell me."

"You're my only sister," he pointed out. "And she's no one."

"Bull shit. If she really was nobody you wouldn't be stressed about whatever plans you two made. Come on Savion," I pouted. 

"Alright alright," he said nudging my forehead. "When I was in Miami for my first business trip I met her. Helped her out of a jam too. I didn't plan anything but I kept seeing her and there was something about her that...made me want to protect her. I paid some people to kind of watch out for her."

"Stalker," I coughed then smiled when he mugged me. "Continue."

"It's just something that happened. When I was staying over there for a week one time I mustard up the courage to talk to her and she shot me down. And it made me want her even more. So I never gave up. Worn her down and got her to come out with me. Things fell into place from there."

"Awe," I sighed. "So were you supposed to go on a date this weekend?"

"Nah," he rubbed his eyes. "She...she's got a kid and...I promised to come see her in the talent show."

"Why am I not surprised she's got a kid that you're already spoiling?" I shook my head. "So is the father in their life or-"

"Nah. Died when baby girl was two so she didn't get to know him too well. I.t took a while for her to open up and for the first time ever I wanted to open up too. But things are messed up now. I told her about Shani being sick but she's convinced I got feelings for her and since I broke my promise to baby girl I don't think she'd want anything to do with me."

"Go," I said. 


"No buts. You should go. You NEED to go. I know you're worried about Shani and I'm glad to know you care about my friends just as much as you care about me. But it's not your job to sacrifice something real for her. I know deep down inside you like Shani and you don't want to hurt her but what you feel for this other girl is much deeper. You finally found someone you WANT a deeper connection with and I don't want you to lose that. Shani will be upset but she'll get over it. She has everyone there supporting her. That little girl is expecting you, her mother is expecting you. Don't throw the one ray of sunshine in your life like this."

"I don't even know if it's real or worth it yet-"

"If you're in here agonizing about it then it's real. It's worth it. Shani will be upset but she'll understand. You have a chance. A real chance at happiness. Do not take it for granted."

He nodded. "I'm moving to Miami," he whispered. 

I rolled my eyes. "And? You'll be my brother whether you're here or all the way in China. We both know you've been searching for a place called home and I'm sure you've found it. Just promise to visit and let me meet this girl and her baby girl."

He smiled and hugged me. "I love you squirt."

"Love you too jerk," I hugged him back. "Keep it a surprise though. She'll appreciate it more. And if you're going to move, don't delay it. Go and be selfish. You always put everyone else first. It's time you be happy too."

"Yeah. I really appreciate the talk. I'm going to go talk to mom and pops about it and start getting myself ready."

Seeing Savion so happy and excited made me feel at ease. It is the right thing to do. Let him go and find his own happiness. Sure I would like for Shani to be with him so they both can have something real but it's obvious she isn't who he needs. This other girl is. Aside from vaguely telling us what he was up to those past few years he was missing, Savion never opened up about himself. He always said it wasn't something he liked talking about. If this girl can really make him open up then it would be selfish to keep him away from her. 

Shani is going to be hurt and upset but she'll understand. This is Royal's chance to be truly happy. Who are we to stop him from that? 

Another update for you lovely people. It seems Royal has another love interest! I wonder how Shani will react when she finds out!! And this is the last chapter I had outlined so freestyle writing to come! 

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