Chapter 3 Meet for Coffee

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Piper POV

Hanging out at Ashton and Calum's last week with Luke was much needed. I got home and had to deal with my roommate and her friends who kept me up until 2 am. 

 I'm sitting in class when my phone chimes and I jump and duck my head down to check my phone and smile seeing a text from Luke 

Hey want to meet at the cafe? I have some time to kill between classes 

Me:  love to! See you soon.   

I walk into the café and look around for Luke. "Piper!" I turn and see him waving from a table toward the back. I walk over and take a seat. 

"How are things?"

 "Eh, my roommate  still sucks, so theirs that."

 "How did you two even end up together?"

 "Roommate questionnaire quizzes, how was I to know that she was a racist bitch?" I shrug. 

"You've told me some of the things she's done is she blatant about it?" 

"On Facebook, yeah but with me day to day it's microaggressions and when she has friends over it gets worse, so I always leave." 

"That must suck." 

"I'm used to it, how are things with you? My future neurosurgeon?" I ask and get a grumble in response.

 "That's what I'm studying, my class are hard but manageable." He takes a sip of coffee. "I'm not really sure if I'm 99% in love with my major though but I'll get there." He  pauses before he continues, "I have to be a neurosurgeon." 

"No, you don't." I counter. 

"Piper I want to follow in my dad's footsteps and-"

"But if you don't like it, why waste money studying something you don't enjoy?" I shrug sipping my drink and wince. "What?"

"Brain freeze," I mutter. 

 "What are you majoring in again?" 

"To be an audiologist."  I say  as I try to recover from the major brain freeze I just got."Really?" I see you more as a writer."

 "I do still write just as a past time." I glance toward the door and see Amanda walking toward me and I stiffen. "Hi Luke! Haven't seen you in forever? How are you!" She says smiling her voice oozing fake enthusiasm. "I'm good." He replies looking confused his blue eyes dart from me to Amanda. "Piper would you mind if I have the girls over tonight for drinks? "She smiles and crosses her arms over her chest and gives me a look that says that I must say yes. "I um don't mind," I say warily. "Great! Luke you want to come over? I want you to meet my friend Courtney!" She says eagerly. "Is this friend single? He asks. "She is! You two would be perfect, the power couple of Greek life!" I roll my eyes. "Piper, just cause your single doesn't mean Luke has to be." She fusses. "One, I'm not in a fraternity." He says flatly.

"I would assume you would be!" Amanda looks surprised. "Is it because I'm hot?" He looks annoyed. "Well yes and-" 

"I'm not interested in your friend and I'm busy tonight." He says. "Were busy." I blurt. He looks at me confused but goes along with it. 

"That's right! We're going to the movies, pick you up at your place?" 

"Sure, thing Hemmings." I say and wink. Amanda looks furious as his phone rings. "I should take this but see you later." He says and gets his bag and leaves.

"Are you two dating?" Amanda asks raising her eyebrows. "I don't think you need to know my love life Amanda, now if you excuse me I have homework to do." I say setting my laptop on the table and looking at it. She makes a weird noise before leaving. I giggle to myself, If I can fake date Luke to piss off my roommate I'm down.

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