Chapter 15 Overcoming fear

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Luke POV

"I'll be in the audience it won't be as bad as you think," Piper says as I tune my guitar. "Starting with an open mic night is a good thing! What song are you performing?" Piper asks. I nervously slide my notebook over to her and watch her read the lyrics. She blinks. "I'm not performing that one but." "Luke is this song about...?" I know what she's about to say and I hate the words. "Yeah, it was originally my note I wrote it when I was sixteen? I didn't do it obviously because, well you called me and asked if I wanted to do something and I felt better knowing someone cared if I lived or died so yeah." I look up and see she's in tears and hug her. "Why have you never told me?" "The reason you never told me about your problems." I shrug. She wipes her eyes and hands me back my notebook. "I like that song a lot." "I think I'm going to perform Beside You or Vapor, I wrote that recently." "Vapor is really good." She says "Really?" "Luke your talented and I want other people to know that sure your nervous to perform like I am to make friends, but we need to get past our fears, it will be good later on doing so." She's right.

I get on stage and can feel my heart beating fast my mind is racing. Focus. I adjust the mic and look at everyone looking at me and feel a knot in the pit of my stomach and want to run off stage. Piper gives me a thumbs up. I notice sitting with her Ashton and relax a little. I take a deep breath and start. The longer I'm up their the less scary it seems. The song ends and I can finally let out the breath I'm holding. I get off stage and feel someone run into me. "You were awesome! Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you!" Piper gushes pulling away from hugging me. "Thank you I was so nervous," I say. "You were really good Ashton says. "Thanks, I was terrified." 

"I don't think you sounded half bad either."  I turn  surprised to see  Calum walking over, "You made it!" "I did my exam ended earlier than I thought so I dropped Toby off at Michael's,  I told him  he needed a buddy while he was studying." He jokes giving me a hug.  "I'm glad you were able to come." "You should do more open mic nights, your voice is really good." Ashton compliments. "R- really?"  I slide my guitar off and go over to the table where Piper was sitting and get my case to put it back in. "Yeah." All three of them say in unison. I zip up my case and slide it over my shoulder. "I'll think about it."

"You hungry? Ash and I were thinking of getting some pizza if you want to join us." I look over at Piper who nods. "I love procrastinating my studying with food." She replies. The four of us cram into a booth at our usual pizza spot and a few people come up to our table and compliment me on my performance. I muster out a very flustered thank you while my friends give me a thumbs up.

"So does this mean you will serenade me sometimes?" Piper asks smiling.  "I mean  if you want me too." I put my guitar on my back and lock the car. "Yes! I love having a talented best friend."  We walk up the stairs and to our apartment. "You have the keys right?" I get my keys out my pocket and unlock the door.  I  turn on the tv in the living room and slide my guitar off.  She shuts the front door and turns on the lights. "I have homework to do, but great job tonight I'm so proud of you."  She gives me a quick hug before going into her room. 

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