Chapter 31 Valentine

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Piper POV

"So are you and Luke going out tonight?" Sara asks me over coffee. "Why would we go out it's a Thursday." 

"Valentine's day Piper!" I blink. "You forgot?!" She looks shocked. "Sort of, I think it's lame." I shrug nonchalantly as my friend stares at me.

"That's 'cause you've always been single." She replies.

"Rub it in."

"I'm serious what did you call it? Singles awareness day?" She smiles as she sips her drink. "Yeah, where could we even get dinner I'm sure everywhere is booked up."

"Does he cook?" 

"Pancakes and tacos... I'm the chef in this relationship." She laughs at this. 

"So you could cook him something!" Sara beams. 

"I could but honestly I doubt he even cares about Valentine's day either." I get up and throw away my empty cup.

"But it should be a big deal," Sara says. 

"Why?" I raise my eyebrow. "You're in a stable relationship, that's something to celebrate, maybe surprise him with food or something, don't just let it be another day." 

"Why are you so hung up about this?" I question. "Cause I know you're a hopeless romantic and this is your holiday." She confirms. "If you don't feel like cooking maybe go out to a bar or something." She suggests.

"Which will be packed because of valentine's day." I reply. Sara shrugs just as I watch the door to the coffee shop open and I perk up. "What is it the famous Luke?" Sara says semi sarcastically.

"No, hey Ashton!" She turns around and I hold in a giggle when I hear her gasp as Ash walks over to us.

"What are you doing here?"

"Break between classes, this is my friend Sara, Sara this is Ashton one of Luke's friends." She nods her cheeks beginning to turn pink slightly as she tries to find words. "H- Hi nice to meet you." Ash smiles noticing her nervousness."You too, I'm going to get a drink see you." I watch him leave and hold in a giggle upon seeing my friends face.



"Is he single?" I laugh as I look at Ashton in line reading the menu. "Not sure."

"Can you put in a good word for me?" She asks her eyes lingering on him a while longer before she turns to me. "Not if you two don't become friends first," I say. "Guess that gives me an excuse to hang out with my best friend again." She smiles and nudges my shoulder. "I know we haven't hung out often but we can hang out soon I promise."

"Can I get to know your boyfriend's cute friend when we do hang out?" She asks giving me puppy dog eyes making me sigh. "Sure." I feel my phone buzz and see a text from my mom and quickly text her back before checking the time and groan. 

"Class soon?"


"I'll walk with you."

"Thanks friend."

Luke POV

Today is valentine's day and I'm trying to make it the best one Piper's ever had. As soon as my last class is over, I haphazardly shove everything in my backpack and am out of the room. I check my phone and see the flowers I ordered are ready to pick up and I still need to go to the grocery store... I bite my slip as I scroll through my to-do list and hour by hour plan for tonight.

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