Chapter 23 Acting

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Three weeks later

Piper POV

"How long will you be gone?"

"A few weeks then I'm flying home but I should be back here before news years eve." He says. "Good." I grip the steering wheel thinking of what to say next. "Why are you meeting her family already? Weren't you trying to break up with her?" Luke sighs. "I tried breaking up with her when we met up a few weeks ago but she just invited me to another party."

"That you went to after you swore off parties."

"Only stayed for two hours and I only drank ginger ale, it was fine." He looks out the window.
"Have you met Nicks family or his friends?" Luke asks I keep my eyes on the road but frown a little. "Now that you mention it, no.." I sigh deeply. The ride to the airport is quite as I begin to overthink my relationship ( as if I wasn't before) I follow the line of cars to departures and pull over towards the doors and park.

"Call me when you land okay? Tell me how it goes." He nods as he gets his suitcase out the trunk. "Are you wearing my..." His eyes linger on his flannel that's wrapped around me."Yes, it's warm now don't miss your flight." I say crossing my arms to keep myself warm. "I won't Pip." He says opening his arms for a hug. I accept resting my head against his chest. "Have fun in California,"

"I will." I pull away so I don't let my emotions get a hold of me. "I'll see you soon babe," I blurt and regret it. I can feel the tears building in my eyes but try to hide it but know I'm about to cry. We both look down at the ground before he hugs me again and kisses my forehead gently. "That was super cute, I needed that," I say dabbing at my eyes. "See you soon Piper," He says before heading inside. I get in my car and pull away hoping that things will go back to normal.

Luke POV

I feel like I'm making a mistake but I can't back out now I think as I go into the airport. Why can't the two of us just say how we feel, but the fact is were both taken and too afraid to say anything. Ever since the party with Annabelle, your relationship has been weird. I feel like I can't trust her considering she left me with people I don't know urging me to take drugs, that I stupidly accepted. I haven't told my family about this cause I can only imagine how they would react. I go through security and to my gate and call my mom before boarding my flight.

"Hey, how were your finals?"

"Difficult but I think I passed, I'll find out in a few days." I look around for a seat near the ticket counter. "You're on your flight home now right?" She asks. "About that... I pushed my flight back so I could meet Annabell's parents."

"Annabelle?" My mum asks.

"My girlfriend I told you about her." I drop down in a chair. "You did... is she why your credit card is so high?"

"Mum... I groan "How do you know what?"

"I've logged in to make sure you don't end up broke but you almost are, just because your dating someone doesn't mean she can take you for granted."

"She's not she.."

"You spend how much on a purse for this girl last week?"

"Seven h- hundred." I stammer and regret that I even bought it, but it was months before our relationship went down hill.


"Mom it was for a Christmas present..."

"Did she buy the plane ticket?" I stay silent. "Besides how expensive she is I'm starting to think... maybe she's not right for me. Piper just dropped me off at the airport and you should have seen her face, she looked crushed that I was leaving. But I'm afraid to make my move because we've been friends for so damn long and I can't lose her. But on Halloween..." I pause realizing that I'm babbling.

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