Chapter 20 Intoxicated

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Luke POV

I wake up to a text from Annabelle asking if I want to get breakfast before class. I text her back and get ready for class. "Hey, your up." I turn to see Piper her eyes sad and I know I'm the reason. "I meant to call you back but Belle and I went to another party and when I got home you were asleep," I comment. "I went over Ashton's but I was awake when you came back, you told me how fun the party was and how I should've been there." She says sharply.


"You were wasted so I don't expect you to remember." I sigh Yeah, I went over Ashton's, and... " She looks at my hair skeptically and rolls her eyes. "Cause Belle likes it huh?" She says in a mocking tone.

"God Piper! So what if I wear my hair different? so what if I don't wear nail polish anymore

"Or glitter."

"Glitter isn't masculine." I retort. "Yeah but toxic masculinity is?  Who the hell are you Luke? Cause right now your not my best friend but just some wannabe fuck boy, and I hate it." She clenches her teeth her eyes cold. "I thought living together would be okay, but if you're going to throw a fit every time I'm with someone then fine!"

"I feel like things are going too fast, you two are always together." She says her voice getting quieter.  "You shame me for having a relationship while you're in one yourself?" I narrow my eyes. "That's beside the point." She mumbles averting her gaze to the wall. "No it isn't and for your information, he came up to me after class yesterday cause he heard I yelled at you before your stupid football date. You know I wasn't going to hurt you or even lay my hands on you but he's under the impression that I did so now he has his eyes on me. You want to give him more reason to hate me, Piper?"  She stays quite but her bodies rigid. 

"I was planning on us having a movie night but if you rather be with Belle then fine." She huffs. I shrug getting my backpack. "I should go, Belle and I are getting breakfast." Her expression is unreadable but I know she's upset. "I know I've been a shit friend but we can do something I'll make this up to you."  I keep my voice even and giver her a hug from behind."Try harder, Hemmings." She snaps and pushes my arms away and goes to get her keys and backpack.  I wait for her to turn around but she never does.

"You seem, upset baby, you've hardly touched your breakfast," Belle says gesturing to my pancakes. "Pipers mad at me, because we've been hanging out a lot," I admit. "Maybe she's jealous." She says sipping her coffee."No, she's not," I say arching my eyebrow and taking a bite. "I wanted us to meet because my parents want to meet you. I'm getting my plane tickets to go to California for Christmas and I want you to come with me." She smiles nervously as she sips her coffee waiting for my reply. "When are you leaving?"

"The nineteenth is that ok with you?"

"I was um going to go to Sydney for the holidays but I can catch a flight from LA  there I guess." She smiles her grey eyes wide. "So yes?" She drums her fingers against the table nervously, her red nail polish catches my eye making me remember how she said she didn't like when I painted my nails that it wasn't "manly" I push away the negative thought and nod. "Yeah I'm not done with finals until the twentieth so I'll just meet you there if that's ok?"

"That's perfect! Oh I'm so excited my parents have heard all about you, and you can meet my brother!" She cheers and hurridly finishes her breakfast. I don't know what to say so I stay quiet and hope I didn't make a mistake. We sit and chat a while longer before we both head off to class. I send Piper a text asking if she wants to meet up for lunch I feel my phone buzz seeing a text from her.

Can't I'm going  to hang out with Michael cause he actually likes me


If you're not going to listen to my advice and just fight with me then why would I want to be around you? Exactly

Platonic /L.H/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt