Chapter 19 Popular

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Piper POV

I'm making dinner when I hear the doorbell I go to the door and look in the peephole and open the door. 

"Piper! How are you?" Annabelle smiles. 

"Good just making dinner." 

"I'll go get Luke." I disappear down the hall and knock on his door. "Annabelle's here." I wait for his reply. 

"You can come in." I open the door. 

"What should I wear?" He panics. 

"What your wearing you look nice." I sit on his bed as he inspects himself in the mirror "Does my hair look ok?" He worries. 

"You look great! This isn't your first date so you don't have that to worry about."

 "Third dates are still awkward."

 "Your fine go have fun." He smiles before giving me a hug. "See you later." I leave his room and go back to cooking dinner. "He'll be out in a second. "Cool, oh! I was wondering if you wanted to come to a friend of mine's party on Saturday,"

"That's sweet of you where at?" "Her apartment my friend Amanda." I freeze and snap myself back into reality it can't be the same Amanda, right? My awful roommate? No way Annabelle is too nice to be friends with her. "Piper?" I blink and look back at Annabelle who looks confused. "Oh sorry um is your friend Amanda Reed?"

"Yes! You know her she's great right?" I want to say something but just nod. "Y-yeah." I stutter. "Ok ready to go?" Luke asks looking at his girlfriend. "Yes let's go." He looks over at me and mouths "Are you ok?" "Just fine see you later," I say and watch the two leave.

I  am sitting on the couch reading when the front door opens. 

"How was it?" Good but I'm starving."

"Luke you just had dinner."

"Yeah but fancy food means very small portions. "I made lasagna it's on the stove." "Ahh, your the best!" I chuckle as he disappears down the hall. I set my book down and turn on the TV and turn on Stranger Things. "I'm back and oh yes!" He says looking at the tv before plopping down next to me. 

"How was your day?"

 "Pretty good I got a lot done while you were on your date. He nods shoving a forkfull of lasagna in his mouth. 

"I missed us being like this." I murmur as I start the show. "Me too oh I wanted to ask you why did you freeze when Annabelle asked about the party?" Luke asks sitting at the counter. "She's friends with my ex-roommate! This can't be happening. "You're not going to tell me to break up with her just cause she knows Amanda right?" Luke questions. 

"No, I would just say watch your back." 

"Piper please you sound like a child." He says. "So you're going to that party?"

"Yes? I'm assuming your not." I bite my lip. "No cause I don't like her."

"Amanda or Annabelle."

"Both." I snap getting off the couch.  "Piper you're the jealous one right now!  So I'm dating someone and you throw a fit."

"I just want what's best for you and Annabell is not it, I don't want to be a bitch but she's not treating you right and you're going along with it only because she's popular. Face it your going to this party and going to get wasted." He says nothing which is never a good sign.

Saturday night

I sit on the couch watching season two of Stranger Things, it seems the days of Luke and I watching Netflix together are over. Since our sort of fight a few nights ago he's been really distant and I can't tell if he's mad or going through something.  Wallowing in my own feelings never fixes anything so I text Ashton. 


Hey! How are you

A little lonely tbh


Well Luke is always with Annabelle and we hardly spend time together like we used to, that his Annabelle is friends with my ex-roommate, idk I just feel like this girl is changing him. They've gone on like five dates this month and she insists on fancy restaurants and treating him like an ATM.

Yikes, I'm sorry Piper, I know this hurts but he still cares about you and your both in relationships

I never told him this but when I was wasted and said I loved him? I remember saying it and I meant it but I was scared for us to leave the friend zone so I didn't do anything. But I'm not as happy with Nick as I thought I was and was just filling that void a little. Am I jealous of Annabelle? Maybe.

I know you like him, all of us do

Yeah It's hard for me to hide it lol

I get it but you can't be mad at him for being with someone that's the quickest way to end the friendship.

Your right, guess I'm hiding my emotions I do that well right?

You want to come over and play video games with Cal and I?

If I'm not crashing your party or anything I'd love to.

Twenty minutes later I'm sitting on the couch next to  Ashton and scroll through my snap when I see one from Luke. His arm is wrapped around Annabelle and he's absolutely wasted. I see Amanda in the background and feel my blood boil ever so slightly. 

"What are you looking at?" Calum asks looking over at me. "Luke posted on snap and I'm just... upset with the group of people he's around."

"Yeah, but you can't do anything about it." Calum says. "I just want my best friend back fuck."

"They've been dating for how long? what do you mean by "back"? Ashton questions. 

"If he's not in class he's with her and for about three weeks? They've only gone on five dates and he goes to a party with her? I just feel like this is moving to fast. " I pout. "Piper I know you two are used to being together but you have to be away from each other sometime," Ashton says gently. "Bu-"

"You two are still your own people so let him do what he wants." I sigh loudly and pick up my phone.

"What are you doing?" Calum asks.

"Calling him."

"Yoru needy for someone who's not even your boyfriend." He points out.

"Not yet," I say getting off the couch. "I'm going to head home but thanks for letting me come over." 

"Sure, text either of us when you get home," Ashton says giving me a hug. "Sure." I get in my car and pull up his contact and sigh as I hit call. 

"Hey I'm on my way home um was just wondering if you were back from the party yet? Call me when you get this." I hang up and start up my car and try to figure out my emotions.  I get home and change into some pajamas and watch some Youtube to take my mind of the situation. A few hours later I  hear the front door open at two am and groan.  I don't move as I hear him drop his keys and loudly curse before shutting the door. 

"Piper? Are you here?" He drunkenly yells. 

"In my room," I call back. "Hi." He smiles stupidly and leans in the doorway. 

"How was the party?" I ask.

 "Good I played so many rounds of beer pong." 

"I can tell," I say simply. "Are you sad?" He furrows his eyebrows and sits on the end of the bed looking concerned. 

"She's changing you Luke and I don't like it, but you won't remember this because you are wasted."   

"Can I sleep in here?" He asks quietly. I sigh and lift up the blankets on the other side of the bed. "I missed you at the party." He slurs. "I didn't want to be there," I say.  I feel him rest his head on my shoulder and sigh. I can't be mad at him but I can't shake my developing feelings for him either. 

"Can we watch youtube?" He asks. 

"Sure." I  once again turn my laptop toward him and find a video for us to watch. I'm about to click on something else when I hear his wheezy snoring in my ear and sigh.   "Night prince charming," I whisper and lightly kiss his forehead.

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