Chapter 18 First Date

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Piper POV

I shouldn't be mad that Luke has a girlfriend yet... I am. I shove my hands in the pocket of my hoodie as I walk to class. I feel someone tap on my shoulder and jump when I see Nick. He waves. "Hey." I sigh and look forward," He runs a little to catch up with me. "I know we had a fight but you want to go on a date tonight? Theirs's a game and I always need a plus one." He winks. I stop walking and pop out my earbud. "Were you listening?" He asks sounding annoyed.

"Earbuds were in," I reply and shrug nonchalantly.

"Date tonight go to the football game you and me?" He repeats his eyes focused on me. I want to say no but what else would I be doing? Homework? "I want to make it up to you, I know what I said was a little out of line." He says smiling a little, I slide my earbud back in and nod toward the building I'm going to. "Late to class but I'll text you," I say he nods before kissing my cheek. I keep walking and hide the smile on my face. I need to just focus on the relationship I'm in and ignore my feelings for Luke I mean were both taken anyway.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" I ask as I stand in the doorway to Luke's room. "I have my first date with Annabelle tonight." He says messing with his hair. "Oh, where are you guys going?"

"Somewhere downtown, she made the reservations." He says. "She's supposed to be over here at like five." He says. "I might be gone then I'm going to a football game with Nick."


"Yeah but I won't be there for the whole game, and I'm sure I can meet her some other time right?" A disappointed look appears on his face, "I just want my girlfriend to be cool with you." He says softly. "Can you help me figure out what to wear?" "I like that, you rarely dress up so and you were going to keep the curls right?" He shakes his head. "I was going to put it in a quiff. "

"Cause Annabelle likes it?" He doesn't look at me as he goes into the bathroom and gets down the hair gel. " Didn't you say your last girlfriend was like this? Telling you what to wear and not to wear? She's using you, Luke." I fuss. He keeps gelling his hair his eyes focused on the mirror. "So you're going to let this girl use you and take your money? Alright."

"Shut up!" He screams and makes me flinch. I've never seen him get upset enough to yell and I'm a little shaken. He looks at me his eyes glaring and I feel like he might throw a punch as I back toward the doorway. The anger fades from his eyes and he looks guilty. "Piper I didn't mean.."

"Your right, go be someone who doesn't like you for who you see if I care." I snap and go to my room to get ready for my date.

"Piper!" Nick kisses me as I get in the car. "Hi."

"You seem sad."

"Luke snapped at me," I reply buckling my seatbelt. He raises his eyebrows as he pulls out the lot. "Over what?"

"I was talking about his girlfriend, he's changing to be with her an that's what happened in his last relationship and it did not go well. I'm trying to prevent him from getting his heart broken but... He was so mad I was afraid..."

"Afraid what?" Nick looks over at me.

"Eyes on the road."

"Were still in the parking lot." He says nodding to the opens spots nearby. " I thought he was going to hurt me which is stupid cause I know him and he would never do that."

"You need me to talk to him?" He can't talk to you like that," Nick says seriously.

"No it's fine we can forget about this and go to the game."

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